Lost Heart Read Count : 109

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

He ripped her heart right out of her chest she stood there in disbelief as she fought the tears from rolling down her face it was as if the pain was not only radiating through her body but it was running through her blood as she prayed and beg for relief she tried to hide the pain as he stood there grinning he thought he had one she closed her eyes and use every drop of herself cleared her mind and within a few seconds she open her eyes and smiled at him as to not have a care in the world he had no clue that she had made herself numb to everything yet she could see the disappointment in his eyes when he realized he was no longer hurting her he said do you want it back or maybe I could give you a small piece of my heart as he thought this would real her back in she smiled again gracefully and said no you keep them both you'll need them more than I will


  • Aug 22, 2018

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