The World Of Fairytail Chapter 1 Stars Ahead Read Count : 68

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
I stood still as the wind blew my hair making me relax. The white half shirt I wore made me feel less heated. My shorts were abercrombie and very short. I wore no shoes. The moss under my feet made my toes wiggle.

I ran towards the tree on the hill the bark was rough but softer than other trees. Birds flew by as I climbed the tree the braid in my hair swayed side to side. I held the branch as I looked at the moon that was a full moon.

Full moons reminded me of chocolate chip cookies gramma use to make. She passed away so long ago I oftened looked at the moon.

The stars glowed in the sky making me smile. I was 16 I had tan skin and I was very skinny I was 6foot and never broke out. I jumped off the swing after drawing the view. The woods ahead were mysterios that made me questioned am I really on earth or is this a different world?


  • Kaylee Lambers

    Kaylee Lambers

    thank you for ur support for the ones out thier who support me

    Jan 02, 2018

  • awesome

    Feb 07, 2018

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