Story Structure Read Count : 131

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
A lot of you guys have wonderful beginnings to story's but they are so hard to read because you put everything in giant paragraphs. So here is and example of story structure:

     Angela stood outside her small apartment and waited for Robert Nickels to show up. She had a bad feeling about this, but Bobby said there was a problem with the next shipment. Angela wanted this shipment to go smoothly. The less wrinkles the faster she’d get her ass off this case. And boy, she needed her ass off this case ASAP. Michael was getting to romantic lately, talking about weddings and she was running out of excuses to delay the engagement. She looked down at her wrist and checked her watch. Seven fifteen. The sun was going down and Bobby was late. Damn this was making her stomach queasy. The roar of an engine caught her attention as Bobby pulled up in his black Porsche. Angela opened the door and got in. After buckling her seatbelt she turned to face Bobby who had already torn out of the parking lot.

  “What’s the problem Bobby?”

  “Michael needs a favor.” He smiled at her showing all his teeth. Angela thought he resembled a shark ready for the kill. Ahhgg!

  “I don’t like this Bobby.”

  “Chill Beth, god you’re so paranoid.” He glanced at her then turned back towards the front window and sped off.

  Angela starred out the window trying to gage where they were headed. The bad feeling in her stomach was beginning to grow into a full-blown stomachache as they drove towards the mountains. Damn, she hadn’t brought her gun either. She turned and looked over at Bobby. His jaw was set and he was concentrating on the curvy road. Angela swallowed hard and looked back out the window. She was getting to old for this sneaking around crap. Wasn’t it the reason she had retired from the Navy in the first place? Yes you idiot! The voice in her head replied. Jeez, she needed to check herself into the nearest psych ward after this.

  Fifteen minutes later Bobby pulled into a park parking lot that was in the middle of a nearby forest outside of town. As forests go it wasn’t very dense but it was secluded, perfect for a body dump. Crap! It was off-season and there were not any other vehicles parked there. Angela turned towards Bobby and saw him looking at her with a gun in his hand. His dark brown eyes glaring at her as a demonic grin appeared on his face. She knew it, damn; she should really start listening to that stupid voice in her head. “What are you doing Bobby?”

  “You know what this is about, Beth. Or why don’t you tell me your real name?”

  Damn it, how did he find out? “I don’t know what you’re talking about Bobby. When Michael finds out what you’re doing he’s not going to like it. Why don’t you take me back and I won’t say anything.”

  “Nice try Beth. But Michael knows about you. Get out of the car.” He opened his door and backed out, the gun still trained on her. Angela opened her door and climbed out.

  “Now what?”

  “We’re going for a walk. I’ve always wanted to play with you Beth.” He moved close to her and looked her up and down, then reached a pointing finger up and stroked her face. “I promise you will die with a smile on your face.” Oh wonderful, Romeo the hit man. He stepped back and waved the gun in the direction of a walking path that led into the woods.

   Angela walked into the woods slowly studying the area around her. It wasn’t exactly a jungle and it had been six years since her last assignment, but she thought she could remember her training. For crying out loud she had been one out of the ten females that had ever made it to the Special Forces team. She had the training to get out of the fix she was in. Now all she had to do was remember it.

   Angela new she could out run him, maybe. Bobby was a little overweight and out of shape the problem was she couldn’t out run a bullet. All she had to do was wait for the opportunity to escape to present itself. She had walked maybe forty feet when a deer jumped out of the trees and onto the trail. She heard Bobby yell and the gun went off. Instincts that had been drummed into her for thirteen years took over and she bolted to the left, for the cover of the trees. Thank god she had worn her tennis shoes she thought as she jumped over fallen branches and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She heard another crack from the gun as it fired but kept running she could hear Bobby behind her but he was losing ground fast. Thank God. Just a head the forest grew denser as the trees crowed in on each other.

   Angela saw the low branch ahead of her and ran full force leaping into the air and grabbing for it, her hands catching the rough bark. She hoisted herself up than grabbed the branch above it. She climbed with the efficiency of any primate as she headed for the cover of the upper branches. She pulled herself close to the trunk and slowed her breathing down. Bobby ran a few feet from the tree and stopped, bending at the waist to catch his breath.

  “You can’t get away from me Beth.” He took off in a run again. “I’m coming for you baby.”

  Angela waited a few moments than made her way down the tree and backtracked to the parking lot. She climbed into the black Porsche and reached under the dash twisting the ignition wires together. A few seconds later it roared to life and she took off down the road. She reached for her side and felt the damp spot just above the waistband of her jeans. Her shirt was wet; Angela brought her hand up and looked at it. 

Red sticky fluid covered her fingertips. 

Damn, Bobby had shot her. She reached back down and pressed as hard as she could, praying it would slow the bleeding.

  How did someone figure out who she was? No one but top officials in the ATF and RCMP new of her existence with the exception of the military, however, those records had been sealed for years now. Only one plausible possibility kept popping up as she ran through scenarios.

  There was a leak, a traitor among them.

  Christ, you’re screwed! Her personal commentary voice spoke up. “Ya, tell me about it.” She replied out loud to the annoying voice inside her head. 

  She needed help and there was no one she could turn to. No one she trusted with her life. Her family was gone and even if they weren’t she wouldn’t drag them into this cloak and dagger shit. Suddenly a face popped in her head. He had short dark hair; dark blue eyes, and stood around five foot ten with the features of a Roman gladiator, seasoned and hard with a body like steel. Only one problem, she had ran out on him years ago and had vowed to never see him again. Damn. The one man who could hurt her without trying was the only man who could save her life, her former Commander, Nicholas Rain, code name…. Ranger.


  • excellent feedback

    Jan 01, 2018

  • wow didnt know that

    Jan 02, 2018

  • ok

    Jan 02, 2018

  • you're

    Jan 02, 2018

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