Misty's Magical Journey Part 1
Read Count : 124
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Once upon a time. . . Wait! I don't want my story to be told like this! Let's start over. About 16 years ago my mom Racala ran a fortune telling booth in the heart if Enchantia. One day she realized that she should open a magic shop. Here she could tell fortunes and sell magic remadies to her clients. She had enough money and knew the perfect spot! She opened her little shop Wednesday September 13, 2001. Little did she know who she would meet later that day. After the shop opened a very handsome elf came in her shop. He had Raven black hair and the bluest of eyes. He came in her shop very frightens and asked,"Please mam please! Tell me my future!" He sounded frightened so my mother quickly set up her deck of cards."Sit" she said to him gesturing in front of her. "Now for this to work I'm going to need you to calm down." The man silently nodded and sat calmly in front of her. She shuffled the cards with eas as the she set down only three cards out of the deck and set them on the table. "Pick a card to see your fortune"she said to the elf. He slowly flipped one over to see the magician card. "What does that mean?" he said sounding nervous. She looked at him and back at the card to say,"You are soon going to start training to be a wizard. One day you will be so powerful you will choose magic over everything else in your life. Even your wife and daughter." The man looked confused for he had no family and was certainly not interested in learning magic."he said,"but is this fortune really going to happen one day?" he stated at the woman looking more worried than ever. "If I teach you can make it so magic won't take over you."she said without thinking. The elf's face amedially lighted up with hope,"Would you?"he said full of hope that this fortune could be false. "Won't hurt to try. But you must know that magic is very very dangerous and is not a toy. Do you understand?" "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! My name is Shane what is your name?" "Racala"she said with a smile on her face. Shane and Racala had many journey's together and formed a amazing bond that soon led to marriage. And soon that marriage led to me, Mystical~Raven. "Woohoo! Isn't this great!" Yelled Misty while riding through the forest on a unicorn. Over in the distance was my friend Daren. He helped me through a lot in my life and for that we are the best of friends. "This sure is! But are you sure this is safe?"he said. He was always the one to worry about something dumb like safety. "Don't be a baby we're on unicorns for crying out loud!"I never listed to his warnings even though I should have but after what happened to my mom I have tried living life to the fullest. "Misti pull over!"he yelled. We both slowly pulled over. "I got a message from my dad I have to head back. See you tomorrow ok?" He said. I don't know why I was so disappointed I mean we knew he would have to go home soon. I stopped thinking about it before I got to confused. "Alright see you tomorrow!"I said still confused why I was so upset. I rode home and freed the unicorn. I went inside and opened the shop. After ten minutes a strange man walks in wearing a mask. He heads over to the remedies as if wanting to buy some. After grabbing some he came to the register and just setting them down not saying a word. He the walked up to the door and locked it. He to removed his mask to show a scared but beautiful face underneath. Unlike Shane's his face was sharp. He looked mad. "Tell me my fortune"he said. We sat down and I shuffled my mom's cards in my hand set 3 down and asked him to pick one. He flipped the card over to see it read death. After seeing he chose the death card he seemed to get even more pissed and grabbed me by my through."What does that mean!" To be continued. . .