Wedding Of Her Dreams Read Count : 216

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Chapter 1| Accident
Carolyn rushed into her car and started it up, nearly running over her mailbox as she backed out of her driveway in a hurry. She inwardly cursed herself before driving speedily down the streets.
          'Gah! This is the worst time to be late. She's gonna kill me!' Carolyn thought. Carolyn was worried, for she was running late for her own friend's wedding. Of course, running late was a daily burden on her life, but she never thought she would be late to something as important as this. She stepped on the gas harder, not worrying about speeding. I ticket was bearable compared to missing her friend's wedding day. As she rolled her window's down and drove faster, she couldn't help but feel envious for her friend.
          She was always jealous of her friend, Serena, especially since she was getting married. Who wouldn't want to marry her? Her long black hair cascading down her back accompanied by the white ribbon she wore around her neck made her look angelic. Her wedding dress probably tightly wrapped around her magnificent hourglass figure made Carolyn seethe with rage. Her sky blue eyes practically blinded men whenever she passed by. As Carolyn continued to drive increasingly faster, she briefly tried to remember what she looked like in the mirror.
          Standing at about 5'7", Carolyn was easily overshadowed by people taller than her. The ruffled blue dress didn't help, as it was so long that she nearly trips every time she walks. Her curly dirty blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun. She would have gotten her hair done, if she hadn't slept through her alarm. She scratched the back of her head, her uncut fingernails nearly scratching her scalp.
          Her jealousy growing stronger, she steps on the gas even harder. The roaring of the engine did not compare to the ringing in her head from how angry she was. Her jealousy just kept growing and growing at an unhealthy rate. A thousand angered questions flew past her head. Why did Serena have to get married? Why couldn't she get married instead? How come she had never found a boyfriend, yet Serene attracted men of all kinds? She should be getting married, not Serene. HER.
          Of course, with all the anger going through her head, she didn't notice how fast she was driving, and didn't notice the fallen tree in the road before it was too late.

Chapter 2| Awake
Her vision blurry, Carolyn woke in a tired yet painful state. She sat up, not knowing why she was lying down. She shook dirt out of her hair, but-- wait, where was she? Her eyes scanned her surroundings, trying to figure out her location.  Her eyes could barely make out the outlines of tall trees,  seeing as it was very difficult to see in the dark. Her memories then flooded back to her. The wedding. The jealousy. The crash.
          She gasped as she looked down at her hands. There was a gash on her forearm and minor cuts on her left palm, but she was fine. Carolyn ran her fingers through her hair. Her bun had come undone, and dirt speckled her now tangled hair. She always hated it when her hair was messy. Now to check her legs. She tried to stand up, but a sharp pain had bolted through her right leg. She quickly plopped back down and winced as pain still shot through her ankle up towards her knee. She rubbed her other leg as she sat there, fearing the unknown. Suddenly, heavy breathing could be heard beyond the trees. And it didn't sound far.
          Panic quickly heightened as she tried to get up. Her leg didn't do her any good, so she fought against the pain as she got up. The breathing got quicker as she tried hopelessly limping in the other direction of the noise, but to no avail. She then stopped dead in her tracks as she could feel someone's presence behind her, breathing harshly, directly behind her. She dared not to look behind her or scream. How was that going to help her? Instead, she listened to the last words the figure said to her before everything went black again.
          "Welcome to the best day of your life, love."


  • Ashleigh Stuart

    Ashleigh Stuart

    vert good

    May 06, 2017

  • DI'&NG€L0 F@IRCHILD......the 3rd.

    DI'&NG€L0 F@IRCHILD......the 3rd.


    May 06, 2017

  • A. P. Johnson

    A. P. Johnson

    this is good

    May 07, 2017

  • May 06, 2017

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