Growing Up Read Count : 80

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
At age 6.. I recall sitting with my younger brother on some railroad ties. My dad had used them to line up the walk way. We were crying and screaming for our dad to stop. Him and His brother were having one of the usual knock down drag outs. This time was worse. Dad had stab Uncle Keith in the back with a screw driver.  Uncle Keith was bleeding but not to bad the screw driver was still in him. As the fight continued Uncle Keith picked up this old cast iron that was used to hold the door open. He came around and hit my dad in the face. My dads teeth went every where. About the same time. The police pulled up. Then they started fighting with them. It usually took anywhere from 5 to 8 cops to subdue them.  Until about the age 10 every day of my life ended like this. If my dad and his brother were not fighting. They were beating on their wives. My Moms nose was broken by my dad 4 times and her jaw 5 times. Last time he broke her jaw it was so bad. Her mouth had to be wired back together. Then if that was not happening. They were fighting people who came to our house for party's or the chicken fights. This is just one of the many stories i wanna share with everyone. My life has been full of being hurt, scared and very tragic. I know alot of people see me as white trash. But i bet not to many of you could walk threw the things i have walked threw. Some decision i made cause i had no choice. Point being never judge a book by its cover. You never know what that person has been and went threw. Some of us still suffer to this day!  
Thank you for reading! Lots more to come. 


  • i like it has feeling

    Jan 01, 2018

  • Thats great Mary! Maybe you can do everything that happened, but add some horrific story, without blood, or murders. Make it more hard life then trajic life. What if kids read?,! the may cry or think bad thoughts! Still, its Fantastic

    Jan 07, 2018

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