God Will Make A Way For Me
Read Count : 120
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
Society seems in a mess Mothers cry, while Fathers stress to be polite is a disgrace as children mock you to your face every day the papers show that crime and rape did upward go the things done in laboratories are stashed away in lavatories drugs and sex aren't hard to find it seems as if the worlds gone blind for what the people fail to see is messing up society as Dads no longer head their home and kids all sit, and chat by phone what once to all has been a home is looking like a war torn zone no longer do you find that kids are playing in the park for it's become a hideout place for gangsters after dark what once was right now seems so wrong no more joy and no more song as what this all was meant to be lies buried in a cemetery by telling you these things my aim is not to make you mad it's just to tell another truth which soon will make you glad amidst the chaos of this world of hurt, despair and pain and hate along with treachery all done for selfish gain there's this one thing I know of believe with all my heart that when I bend my knees to pray my God will make a way