Wave Bye, Say Hi
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Category : Notes/work
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Well, it's that time of the year again, the last day of another year. Some folks are busy making their New Year resolutions which most are not going to stick to but they still make them, why, I have no clue. Some folks can't be bothered with making any resolutions simply because they know they are not gonna carry it through. Most folks are in a holiday mood since Christmas while kids are starting to dread the thought of having to start school again soon. Some folks are looking forward to a good night of partying with friends, painting the town red or blue or whatever hue, while some are content with having a quiet time at home with their loved ones. It's the same scenario year in and year out - SSDD - same shit, different day. Me? I'll be staying home nursing my flu and hope that this bug will leave me alone soon. Yeah, bummer. 2017 has been quite an eventful year for me, with the usual ups and downs and twists and turns. I'm taking all the good moments with a grateful heart and all the not so good moments with a lot of patience. I don't have a crystal ball to look into to see what 2018 has in store for me so I guess I'll just wait to be surprised like everybody else. To all you party people out there, party hard but party smart. Be safe and be responsible. Echoing the wise words of a wise guy - Don't drink and drive. You might spill the drink. Take care, y'all and Happy New Year!
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