Part 1/6: The Crash Read Count : 143

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

The silence in Space was welcome as all the passengers were succumbing to sleep. The engine was surprisingly quiet and they were halfway to their destination. Crew members were still awake but we're too feeling sleepy, the long flight had zapped them of energy. But they kept going.

After 10 Minutes, they were just about to reach their destination when suddenly one of the wings caught fire on descent. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not a drill, please find your belongings and prepare for Emergency Situation 107"

Everyone awoke to alarms blaring and mayhem and some looked through the window to see a fire engulfed wing. At that point, the passengers got into their safe positions they were told about before taking off. 


Upon impact, the ship burst into flames and screams of passengers were heard, some even tried to water out the fire.A handful of People found the Main Door which allowed them to escape. 

Unfortunately, they got thrown through the air upon opening the Airlocked Door and nothing was heard from them for at least 30 minutes. "Uhhh" one of the passengers said as she tried to pick her self up. "Hello, is anyone there", 2 minutes after she regained full consciousness. A wall of silence followed.

"Help?, Please" shouted a mysterious voice, "I'm stuck under a Block of, I think Steel". "I'm on my way, just hold on" said the female as she tried to find her way towards the voice. As she turned the corner through blurred vision, she saw the block of steel and the mysterious person very poorly, but together they managed to free his leg from under the Steel.

"Thank You" the man said, "I'm Trevor, what's your name". Before she could answer, the ship lurched forward and began to creak."Come on, we gotta find an exit", she exclaimed and before long they were running, Up ahead were some doors which had a keypad lock activated. 

Trevor, being the Staff Member keyed in the code and before them they could see daylight.Then they looked down, it was about 3 feet off the bottom and the crash location was deserted. They both shouted for help, but nothing was forthcoming.So they chanced it. They both knew that jumping was the best solution, so Trevor elected to go first. 

At that exact moment, a rope appeared from nowhere and they then absailed down it. There was nothing they could do about searching the ship for survivors so they went off and explored the location of where they were.About 45 minutes later, they came across a strange sight that signalled where they had crashed.

To be continued in part 2


  • Isabella Thomas

    Isabella Thomas

    Good story, but i think you should add some exclamation marks, question marks, and periods. Other than that this is a very well written story.

    May 23, 2018

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