Long Lost Elves Read Count : 100

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Once apon a time there was a girl named Cristina and here grandma had just past away and her grandma gave Cristina a necklace it was beautiful it was blue and very magical      
Feeling to it.  The next day Cristina was walking in the garden behind here house and here necklace started to glow very bright. And it opened a portal to another realm and what she did not know is she just entered a portal to the elves realm.
  Now the elves realm was beautiful and colorful. Cristina hears something talking it's sounds like a girl talking said Cristina and all of a sudden a girl that wore a blue dress and blue boots and blue hair comes around the corner not walking but flying and another girl next to her wore what looked like a fire dress and red boots with hair that looked like fire.

                       THE END 


  • wowwww

    Dec 30, 2017

  • Love it

    Dec 30, 2017

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