Discovery Channel Read Count : 143

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I've discovered, that I'm not who I thought I was.

I'm more.

I was never really lost when they said I was lost.

I was merely wandering amongst the forest, in search of the next thing to do to survive.

I've discovered that I'm not who I thought I was.

I thought I discovered who I was when they told me who I am.

You are a King.
You are Black.
You are Proud.
You are fierce.
You are a Man.
You are.

I thought I was just those things.

But boy was I wrong.

I discovered that I'm more.

I'm a Humble King.
I'm a Intelligent Black.
I'm Proud of those who do better around me.
I'm ferociously fierce to those who fear me.
I'm a gentleMan.
I am, always and forever will be.

I've discovered that I'm not who I thought I was.

I'm More.


  • awwww that is great

    Dec 30, 2017

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