Storm⚡ Division VII
Read Count : 126
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
Already Suffering and Fighting My legs gave out as I collapsed upon the floor breaking into sobs. Astral just watches me cry. Commander Shallow came into the room. He walked up to me and said: "I feel so sorry for your lost." I stopped and gaze up at Mr. Shallow. I scowled: "You should've been with him!" "He went off on his own while I was taking care of a robot!" He explains. "Do not be so snippy!" "Snippy?!" I spat. "I said you should've gone with him and maybe he wouldn't be knocked out and kidnapped then I won't be angry!" I growled. Mr. Shallow's cat got his tongue and there was a moment of silence with no reply. Then Astral walked up to him and whisper something in his ear. I just watch her with the same frustrating look at gave to Mr. Shallow. "If you're planning to try to figure out ways to get my dad back, count me in otherwise-" "Collette, how did you know we are talking about that?" He asked. "I have ears." I retort. "Collette, do you know what you are about to face of getting your father back?" "Hijacked brutes that have twice amount of human's strength that are under order from Quidust." Mr. Shallow closes his eyes out a heavy sigh. There was only five second wait until he said: "We are not going to escort you to Earadon right off the bat; you need weeks training before we can send you on a mission there. You better notify your mother; therefore, she doesn't get worried." Astral escort me towards the phone area. I called my mom and informed her what's happening. My left ear was hearing her tears within minutes of the call and she worried about not being able to see her daughter nor her lover ever again. "Mom, I will bring back dad alive." I promised her. I didn't care if the promise is a bluff or not. "Just don't get hijacked." She let out while sniffling. Then her cries intensified and she hung up. I returned to Astral with my head low. "Not a good call." She assumed. "Was it?" "She couldn't stop crying." I told her. "Afraid of losing both of us." "Just don't let her tears bother you; just focus of what you need to do, kiddo." Astral told me. "Alright." I sighed. Commander Shallow assigned me into a dorm. Astral already had to share her room with someone else. I had to share a room with another girl that appeared to be in her late twenties. She had her light blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. She stared at me like I had literally done something wrong. "What?" I asked. "You are risking yourself up for someone who could've been already killed or hijacked." She snarled. "You're an idiot" "Why are calling me an idiot for?" I asked. "That was one kind of greeting you got there." I commented sarcastically. "I don't greet everyone into my life. Before I knew, someone is going to get me killed or trick me." She spat. Woah! What has gotten under her thick skin? I already noted to stay out of her hair nor make her mad. I can already tell she is going to count every mistake I make. I nodded in respect and head into the dorm. The room head a desk with a high tech laptop, a closet, and a bunk bed. The room was white and blue. My roommate occupied the bottom; therefore, I have the top. "Your duties will start tomorrow, Collette." Commander Shallow said behind me. I spun around and looked at him. "At six in the morning. Tselynn will help you find the cafeteria then to your training area." He informed. "Who's Tselynn?" I asked. "Your roommate." He answered. "She didn't told you her name." "No," I shook my head. "Only thing I had gotten from her is a scold." "She’s been through a lot." He told me. "She is always hard on the young ones. The last partner asked to switch dorms because of her." He laughs full of amusement. I can tell he was laughing at the fact that the last partner had no grit to stay with a girl whose been through some suffering. I was greeted by cold words when I walked into the door and I thought what has gotten to her upon her thick flesh. It seems most people's attitude originates from their environment they were raised in. "May I go back home to get some clothes?" I asked. "No." He denied. "There's already clothing here." "Hopefully, my size." I mumbled. "Um, what was that?" He raised the brow. "Speak up, soldier!" "Hopefully my size." I repeated; however, more loud. "Of course!" He nodded and then left the dorm. Tselynn had entered the dorm again. Then she was doing push-ups. I just stood and watched her for a second and then glanced around. There was no punching bag sadly. Maybe when training is done for the day, I can ask Commander Shallow to go to a gym that has a punching bag. My first attempt of getting Tselynn's approval: yoga; building up elasticity and toleration. I love my academy for getting me athletically fit. "How old are you?" She asked me. "You seemed young." "Sixteen." I replied. "Commander Shallow knows." "He only informed me that I was going to have a roommate." She mumbled. "And why she is here to rescue her dad." I depart from yoga when Tselynn commanded me to stand in front of her. She put her fist up. "Why are doing this?" I asked. "Let's see how low your pain tolerance is." She smirked and I gulped in fear. She started to throw a punch. I am not a dual bag! My palms lifted up from my sides and immediately stop the punch. Tselynn and I locked eyes before she jabbed her knee into my gut. I flinched and let out a gasp. I didn't want to bend down because I can risk myself of getting a blow to the head and an immediate K-O. My hands quickly moved to her shoulders and I shoved her away. She stumbled across the room and hit the wall followed by a loud thud! "I better had not broke that wall too." I said. I hate to admit that the sound pretty loud too. Tselynn glanced up at me and made a malicious grin and said: "You're going to have fun when training starts tomorrow; get your little baby self out and never cry a river."