The Market Read Count : 118

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Historical Fiction
I was pounding away when I saw my younger cousin, Lena running towards me. Keeping the pestle down, I walk towards her, Lena, my uncle's youngest child though spoilt but sweet. She hardly even says anything to hurt me except when it's in her favour. She recently turned one year six months though not a great beauty but not ugly exactly.

Her hair was low and black, her face a u-shape with a thick wide nose, full lips and medium eyes. see, I told you not exactly a great beauty and not equally beautiful. Upon reaching her, I stooped low to her so we are eye level and smile. She smiled shyly and started talking.

  "Xalena, mother said I should call you.." she's still learning how to talk. I hardly understand her at times but she's not to blame after all she is only one year six months. I smiled at her again.

  "I will be right behind go." I replied. She took to her heels and was gone in a matter of seconds. I stood there staring after her, my heart was beating really fast, what did I do wrong now? Aunt Zakkiya, uncle Zhari's second and favourite wife hardly ever calls me to her room, I hope she did not find out about her broken pot, it was a mistake. Sighing and with a heavy heart I began to walk towards her hut which was closer to uncle Zhari's hut.

I stood outside and announce that I'm here and she called me in, one thing I've learnt was never to barge into her room even if she sent for you. I entered her room which was usually very dark and sat down in front of her. She looked up and smiled at me. 

  "Xalena dear, you are here! Well i was just talking to my friend today and she informed me that today there will be a market sale and everything I need will be available in abundance." She smiled beautifully and I became suspicious, aunt Zakkiya is a very beautiful woman though all her children are rather very ugly I wonder who they took after Uncle Zhari isn't an ugly person at all, he has a rather pleasant face except it is scarred with several knives making him look unpleasant. She calls my name and i realised I was deep in thought. I nodded and she smiled again, her face turning even more beautiful.

   "Do not worry Arran will take of you chores for now before you return i will talk to your aunt, i know she won't mind after all you are my daughter." She laughed and I forced a smile. Arran, who was sitting in the corner raised her voice to protest but her mother glared at her and she quickly shut up. She stood up and pulled me outside to her other hut which was even darker and I found it hard to make everything out. Out of nowhere she appears before me with an evil glint in her eyes.

   "Here dear, all the things I need are in here, buy them and come straight home and Xalena, don't bother coming back if you've not gotten all those things for me." She gave me a pouch which was a bit heavy and ushered me out of her hut and before I knew it she was gone.

I went over to my hut picked up a scarf, tied my hair and went out. The Market was a bit far from our village,  I had to walk hundred of miles before reaching the river that separate one village from another I waited for one solid hour before the ferryman arrived I gave him a copper piece from the pouch before he helped me to settle down in the boat and he began to row, I stared far ahead, the sun felt good on my skin and breeze gently caressed my cheeks.

I love this brings back wonderful memories..oh how I miss Razi, she would have loved this afternoon sun, suddenly my heart was heavy and I felt tears piling up in the corner of my eyes. I dabbed them away and continue staring at the paddle how they move in the water, I was captivated when suddenly the man called me and I realised we've arrived I thanked him and went on land it was few walks away from the market so I decided to walk. I love walking and anyway I can't afford to pay for the ride even though my feet hurts. 

    The market was crowded and bustling with activities, buyers and sellers engrossed in haggling and everybody was engrossed in one thing or another. Women sat by the trail sides selling fresh milk or cheese while merchants were selling jeweleries, beautiful weapons and other beautiful materials either silk or pure cotton claiming they have the best in the world. Children played barefooted round and round while some traders sat outside their shops looking for buyers and calling out to them, their wives either breast feeding their babies or fanning their husbands in this very hot afternoon sun.

I stared from the mouth of the market and began to look from shop to shop. Where will I even start from? I have no idea what to do. This place looks more alive and thrilling than my own village entirely. I decided to look from shop to shop. It wasn't easy but I decided to try. I went to one trader and greeted him, he answered cheerfully and pulled me into his shop. I gave him the pouch, he looked inside and frowned at me. 

   "Why do you want this my dear? It is for those who do not belong and I belong so I do not have it." He shook his head and gave me back my pouch before ushering me out of his shop. He looked very angry and pointed towards a shop far from every shop in the market. I thanked him and he grumbled. I didn't understand what he meant and he looked angry and troubled so I didn't ask him. 

I left immediately and went towards the intimidating shop, surprisingly nobody was standing outside and no single child played near that looked somewhat dark, cold and unfriendly. I gulped and walked towards the shop slowly. I stood outside the shop and raised my hand to knock when the door cracked open and an old man peeped out and raised an eyebrow at me.

  "Good afternoon baba, I was sent here by my aunt to buy some things from you if you please have them." He stared at me then locked the door then I heard locks moving before he reopened the door and motioned for me to follow him. I turned back and saw the trader I met earlier with pity in his eyes, I turned and followed the old man. He was using a walking stick, his leg from knee down was missing and he has a Hunch. I followed the old man inside and he locked the door.

Inside, the shop was extremely dirty and dusty. There were human skulls and bones lying around and pots filled with decaying substances emitting a terrible smell. On one window seal, I saw a particular jar with smoke going in circle trying to escape I moved closer and stared at it and surprisingly it was woman in a jar! A very tiny woman in a jar! She looked at me with mournful eyes and as if something was controlling my body I found myself moving towards the jar. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I turned around and saw the old staring at me and I realised he was blind in one eye. He smiled a toothless grin and I felt scared he looked terrible and frightening. 

"She's called the Seer," he continues speaking.." she informs me of everything and everyone one and right now she is telling me that YOU should be careful on what kind of errand you run, you never know what lay in store for you." He gave me the pouch back and continues speaking. "Tell Zakkiya, my reward shall be paid in blood and nothing less. She is to open the pouch on the first full moon rise." He turned around and said to me "Be careful Xalena."

I was shocked, he knew my name! How? I never mentioned my name! I looked up from the pouch to ask him but he was gone and so was him shop. I was standing outside, I turned around and so was the other trader and his shop gone! Oh my God! No! Then I ran until I reached the Riverside and waited for the ferryman when he arrived I paid him and settled down in the boat. It was getting dark and I felt cold.

When I arrived home I forgot about everything when I saw my chores waiting for me. Who was I kidding? Nobody was ever going to do my work for me! I went to her hut gave her the pouch and told her what he said and left. I heard them laughing but I didn't care. I began my chores and finished very late and went to sleep. The ground was cold and hard but at least I had a roof over my head. 

Everything that happened that day came back rushing to me and I felt scared and frightened. The old man's face kept hunting me but it was his words that made me shiver.

I hated myself for not taking his advice the following week...


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