Blood Bond Bk2 Ch3
Read Count : 114
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Ch3- Russian Roulette (Warning never attempt Russian Roulette this chapter contains strong violence and contains triggers of Depression and death) "For those of you who don't know Russian Roulette it's a lethal game with a high amount of risk the gun infront of me contains wooden and silver bullets in as Lucifer has kindly warned you when this goes of two times you are all free to go well apart from the dead" Andre said. They all looked at each other Cassie opened her eyes and spoke "Please don't do this" Cassie said. Andre was now stood by her side "You love all of them pity you can't save everyone" Andre said as he went back to sit at the table. Andre picked up the gun and fired it nothing happend he passed it to Isaac who took it and met Kato's eyes "You know what to do if this goes off" Isaac said Kato just looked from across the table at Isaac "No you can't leave me don't you ever fucking try I love you" Kato said. Isaac rarley cried but he shed a few tears now and spoke "I love you too" he replied and pulled the trigger nothing happend. Romeo took the gun he looked scared stiff Andre just smiled. Romeo placed the gun to his head and spoke "Cassie tell Amy I love her and always will and that I'm sorry" he said. Romeo pulled the trigger and was thankful nothing happened next was Kato. Lucifer shared a look with Cassie she knew if Kato pulled that trigger he would be dead he took the gun in his shaking hands. Kato was about to raise the gun to his head when Adrian placed a hand on the gun and they met each others gaze. "Adrian no you can't do this " Kato said. "My duty is to protect the king and the prince and besides she needs you both" Adrian said taking the gun from Kato Cassie managed to move and ran over and took it from his hands. "I cannot let you do this" she said and now held the gun to her own head "So help me god you dare pull that trigger Cassie and you will be grounded for the rest of your undead life" Kato shouted from the table non of them could move except for Andre. Andre got up and spoke "Put that down child it's not a toy" Andre said he was scared that she would really pull the trigger. "Your going to let us all go unharmed or ill pull this trigger right now " Cassie said as she pointed the gun to her head. "I'm afraid I'll have to call your bluff" Andre replied stepping closer then the horrible sound could be heard it echoed through the room the gun dropped to the floor and the others tried to move but couldn't to try and help Cassie. Andre picked up the gun and went back to the table and past it to Adrian who was a mess. "You Bastard" he shouted at Andre who just laughed as Adrian pulled the trigger nothing happend he past the gun to Brooklyn. "Look after Meredith for me Isaac and tell her I love her" Brooklyn said holding the gun to his head. "Tell her yourself you are not going to die Brooklyn" Isaac said trying to stay strong and not look at Cassie who was barley moving on the floor. Brooklyn pulled the trigger and nothing happend and past it to Raphael. "Tell Damien I love him even if he is a nerd" Raphael said the gun went off and he fell to the floor by Kato's feet everyone was alarmed and horrified as they watched the light leave Raphael's eyes and watched how he aged Enzo was next then it went back to Andre. "You said we could go when two of us were dead" Isaac said. "Your daughters not dead this is the interesting part Isaac your going to take this gun and kill Lucifer then you all can leave" Andre said. Isaac took the gun Kato stopped him "This isn't who you are" he said Kato looked at him then pushed him aside and pointed the gun at Lucifer he whispered something to him before pulling the trigger. Lucifer fell to the ground of the cage and started to age. Cassie had started to show signs of life her eyes flickered open a few seconds and saw Raphael and Lucifers body's and screamed she was going into shock. "Until next time" Andre said disappearing the others managed to get to their feet now. "We can't leave them both here" Cassie said she was still weak. Brooklyn scooped Raphael into his arms and Isaac did the same for Lucifer Cassie clung onto Kato as well. Brooklyn transported us all back to his safe house. "What do we say to the others?" Cassie asked thankful that Daryl and miss James and her kids weren't here to see two bodies. Brooklyn transported Meredith,Amy,Grace and Damien to the safe house they were shocked to see Raphael. "Raphael wake up you said you wouldn't leave me" Damien said trying to wake him up. "Damien he's gone we know how you feel " Amy said. "You don't know the half of it" Damien shouted Cassie was still uneasy as she heard the bedroom door slam behind Damien. "Lucifer too but how?" Grace asked "Its a long story" Cassie said as she curled up next to Lucifer and kissed his forehead then spoke "I need to be alone" she said disappearing into another room. Adrian was about to follow Cassie but Isaac stopped him "Thank you for what you did today your truly someone we can trust and I'm sorry for slapping you earlier"Isaac said. Adrian nodded "You had your reasons and any supernatural would die to protect the king and prince and besides if Cassie lost you both I don't think she would bounce back" Adrian said. Kato hugged Adrian who hugged him back "I should go check on Cassie" Adrian said. "Its fine we will do that make sure the others are all OK and rest up" Isaac said Adrian nodded and watched Isaac and Kato go find Cassie in her room. "Cassandra I'm sorry about Lucifer and Raphael I know how much they meant to you" Isaac said. Cassie looked up to face him her face was red and blotchy and she fell into his arms he rocked her gently. "Cassie you could have been killed back their" Kato said sounding angry. "Kato can't you see she's upset you can scold her later" Isaac said. "Your right I'm sorry come her little one" Kato said opening his arms out to Cassie who walked right into them. "I'm sorry I scared you but your not just Isaac's daughter now but mine too" he said. "Isaac your needed" Romeo said appearing in the room he got up and told Kato to stay with Cassie. "My name is Henry and I'm looking for my daughter " the man said now stood in the living room of Brooklyns safe house. "Your daughter dont make me laugh I raised her for 14 years I saved her and she is not going anywere tonight she has just lost two people close to her" Isaac said. Henry looked at Isaac everyone saw Henry's eyes turn red "Oh great we are dealing with an Alpha" Eve said. "Ah an Omega I've always hated your kind your so weak" Henry said Eve snarled at him then spoke "Come a little closer and I'll show you how sharp my claws are" Eve said angrily. "Fuck this shit get out of my house " Brooklyn commanded appearing by Isaac's side as they faced off against Henry. Cassie appeared with Kato when Henry saw her he fell to his knees "You look so much like your mother when she was your age" Henry commented. "What are you doing here after all this time?" Cassie asked. "I've never stopped looking for you not once" Henry replied. "I'm not leaving here and I want you to go" Cassie said. Henry nodded "Fine but don't hesitate to call if you need me" he said as he left through one of the portals.
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