Blood Bond Bk1 The Circle Ch22
Read Count : 98
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Ch22-Vegas As the bus finally rolled up to the airport we grabbed our cases and Cassie and Meredith signed everyone in. "Your plane leaves at mid day you need to make your way to the security check then you are free to go to the departure lounge" the woman said as she put the last of the cases on the conveyer belt. The woman handed Cassie and Meredith the tickets. "What did she mean when she said security checks?" Brooklyn asked. "In airports it's compulsory to go through security it helps protect everyone" Meredith said. Meredith,Cassie,Amy and Grace started to put their bags and jewlerry in the trays and put them on the conveyer belt and each walked through the security check with out setting it off. Damien was next he had no problems getting through either. "Sir please step to one side" a security officer asked Kato who did what he was told. As the security guard went to do te security checks on Kato Isaac lost it "Don't touch him or I swear it will be the last thing you do" Isaac said. "Sir calm down your friends free too go now" the security guard said letting Kato go join Cassie and the others as they waited for the others to go through security the alarm went off a few more times. As we got to the departure lounge Cassie noticed a few red eyes and took Faidon to one side Amy did the same to Romeo. Faidons fangs appeared and now pierced Cassie's neck as they stood in the empty hallway. Faidon pulled away and fed her his blood healing her. Romeo was a little on edge Cassie wondered what had happened and went over to him. "Romeo what happened?" Cassie asked. "I lost control if Brooklyn hadn't of been walking by Amy might not have survived" Romeo said. Lucifer appeared by Cassie's side and looked at Romeo "Romeo Amys fine and she doesn't hate you Isaac healed her" Lucifer said Romeo went to go find Amy. A few minutes went by and then we boarded the plane. Cassie sat with Isaac and Kato then behind them Meredith and Brooklyn sat. Adrian,Romeo and Enzo sat together then Raphael and Damien sat with Eve. Morgan and Faidon kept an eye on Amy who still seemed shaken Grace sat with Eric and Tristan. The plane took off "Dad I'm scared of heights" Cassie said Isaac wrapped an arm around her and hugged her. "Your so good with her and you don't look old enough to have a daughter" one of the flight crew asked. "I get that a lot" Isaac replied as he begun to soothe Cassie as he stroked her back. Kato rested an arm around Cassie as he moved closer to Isaac. Brooklyn wished he still had some sort of relationship still with Meredith but just recently they have grown apart and hardly talked. Meredith had her music on Brooklyn snapped his fingers and the music player disappeared. "Meredith what is wrong with you?"Brooklyn asked. "I hate that I almost lost you to hunters" Meredith said in a whisper crying now. Brooklyn hugged his daughter and spoke "You scared me to death when you risked your life saving me " Brooklyn explained. "How much longer until we get there?" Lucifer asked. "It can't be that much longer" Eric replied. The plane started to dip and head towards the ground Kato turned around in his seat to see Meredith was asleep in her fathers arms. As the plane steadily made its way to a stop they exited the plane and Cassie and the other humans grabbed the cases as they saw them on the covayer belts. "I'm still missing my case" Damien said Raphael spoke "I got it" he said handing the red case to his boyfriend. They set off for the hotel which they would be staying in for the next two weeks. "We have six rooms available so you will all need to split up" the hotel manger said as they gave them six keys. After picking who's going with who we all gathered in one room and Isaac spoke " To a night all of us will never forget" he said. Brooklyn handed everyone a drink on a tray he had magiced up and everyone drank. "The nights still young what say you to a bit of sight seeing?" Lucifer suggested. Everyone nodded and went to explore the city of sin unknowingly setting in place a chain of events which would cause heartbreak,violence and confusion.
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