Blood Bond Bk1 The Circle Ch19 Read Count : 90

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Ch19-Isaac and Kato 

It was the day Isaac and Kato had been waiting for "Brooklyn take care of everyone while were gone and get into contact with us if you run into any problems" Isaac said.

Brooklyn nodded "Have a good time in Paris the city of love" Cassie said as she hugged both Kato and Isaac they hugged her back.

"Take care Cassandra and remember whatever you decide about the cure we will support your decision" Isaac said.

Cassie smiled and watched them disappear through a portal with two cases Raphael appeared with Katie on his back "Your too cuddly to be a vampire" Katie said as she curled up next to him on the sofa.

"Can someone take this kid from my arm seriously their must be some non stick spray for humans?" Raphael said making everyone laugh.

Kato enjoyed spending some quality time with Isaac it was rare it was just the two of them "So what do you want to do first?" Isaac asked.

Kato looked at him and spoke "Iv'e always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and to actually climb to the top off it" he replied.

"Let's do it after everything is unpacked" Isaac said as he started to empty his case so did Kato.

Isaac passed him a glass of what looked like champagne "Drink up my Prince" Isaac said as he sipped his glass Kato sipped his.

Isaac and Kato went to see the Eiffel Tower it was magnificent up close but the view from the top was remarkable they both looked down to see couples walking hand in hand down bellow and lights from businesses and attractions.

"Paris is beautiful" Kato said Isaac placed an arm around him resting his head on Kato's shoulder.

"I need to find somewhere to eat i'm starving" Isaac said

In Western Paris Isaac and Kato came across a restaurant called  Les ombres which was quite fancy the way it was laid out as they looked at the menu.

"Wow this place is expensive" Isaac said.

"We don't have to eat here we can go else were" Kato explained.

Isaac placed a hand on Kato's and spoke "No we can stay here and besides its a special occasion" he said.

The waitress appeared to take their orders "I'll have the back of cod with nori, 

leek confit, condiment mold, tile in cuttlefish ink, muslin light curry" Kato said.

"I'll have the same and can you please fetch us a bottle of your most expensive wine" Isaac said the waitress nodded and seemed to be drawn in by Isaac's charms.

"She was totally flirting with you" Kato said playing up Isaac 

"I have a word for you Kato married" Isaac said.

The wine came with the two glasses Isaac poured the two glasses and passed one to Kato as the evening went on by the end of the night their was one long bill Isaac paid the bill then left  with Kato back to their room.

Once back at their room Isaac and Kato made their way over to the double bed.

Isaac gently grazed Kato with his fangs which caused Kato to moan.

Then Isaac shot up sensing something was wrong.

"Isaac nothing is wrong Brooklyn would have contacted you" he said.

They went to sleep in each others arms.

It had been two weeks of sight seeing and it was time to leave Paris Isaac and Kato drew up the portal and transported back to Brooklyns place.

"King Isaac, Price Kato how was your trip" Morgan asked looking up from the sofa.

"It was really romantic we had a good time" Kato said as he noticed Meredith asleep against Morgan.

"Where's Brooklyn and the others?" Isaac asked.

"Cassie is asleep in her room along with Raphael,Adrian and Lucifer it seems even though those guys hate each other they all love Cassie and will do anything for her" Morgan explained.

Isaac and Kato went into the other room and found Cassie who was awake.

"I've missed you both" she said as she hugged them they could smell human blood.

"Your human again" Kato said happily Cassie nodded and then spoke "There's something I need to tell you but it can wait another day" Cassie explained.

Adrian,Raphael and Lucifer woke up and went into full protection mode until they realised it was only Isaac and Kato and backed down.

Brooklyn had made his appearance again it appeared he had been re building Arcadia and most of the supernaturals had returned their except for five of them.


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