I Can't Do It. Read Count : 134

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
The kitten latched his claws around her hand and bit even harder, sending searing pain through her. 
But she was brave.
She ripped it away from him, only causing deeper wounds.
Still, she was brave.
Her mom walked into the room. 
"You're doing that for attention, aren't you?"
She looked at her mother, puzzled.
"You're getting him to bite you for attention at school, aren't you?" She repeated.
This girl's mom just opened deeper wounds than any cat could. She felt her room almost crumble around her. She got plenty of attention at school. She got good grades, and was joining Honor Choir! 
She felt her bravery begin to sink away.
Her mom turned her back on her, slamming the door. She winced, and realized something. She was letting her mom get to her. The tears behind her eyes evaporated into red hot rage. It felt like flames were scorching through her body as she stood up. She had nowhere to go, and so she stayed there.
Her bravery was replaced with a sheild, blocking everyone she knew out of her life.


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