Read Count : 70
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
I've left suzu now! he tells me......"its time you left here." he says to me. he's trained me all that he knows! so i leave and go into the city village . It's been almost.....18yrs now!.....and i hear the Zclan wants their vengeance upon me!! as a debt for their leader Zlord! zlord...i found out,was the owner of my mother!! he was the one,who captured her as prisoner! and prostituted her at the brothel for money . i keep this,in mind as i .swiftly use my ninja technique.i sneak up on their hideout! i peek thru the ,roof window and,i can see......they're having a relaxing time! they have . ..let their guard down. none of them have weapons in their hands accept for one guards around,they even dont have on their fighting gear! i quickly paint my ninja warrior skull face on! and,without delay........i JUMP DOWN IN SIDE THE PARTY! AND I SLASH SOULS!! FROM LEFT TO RIGHT! USEING STEALTH FLIGHT! I USE MY BLACK adamantium unbreakable metal sword! TO CUT AND SLICE AND STAB ALL IN MY SIGHT! I USE TRANFER SKILLS TO DISAPPEAR AND APPEAR! BEFORE MY ENEMY! AND KILL THEM..IT ONLY TAKES ME ...MINUTES! AND IM DONE! BEFORE I KNOW IT..........THE ENTIRE ZCLAN IS DOWN! THEIR STENCH AND BLOODY REMAINS...I LEAVE ON THE WALLS AND FLOOR! i quickly came in.........i quickly leave! i use NINJA FLIGHT! right back up thru the roof ceiling and leave.