Blood Bond Bk1 The Circle Ch5 Read Count : 94

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Ch5-Problem with Vampires 

Cassie woke up to hear the many voices of her family from downstairs she got dressed and ready for school she had done some of the homework she had to catch up on but was stuck on her History. 

"Where are you going Cassie?" Isabella asked as she was sitting at the dining table with Faith 
"I'm heading to school" she said. 

"Great I'll walk you since I will be joining you at school" Raphael said 
"Raphael has the only daylight ring in the house" Blade said. 

"Raphael remember no hurting the humans" Isaac said 
"I'll be good I promise" he said. 

As Cassie walked outside with Raphael and started walking up the street towards her school a few students glanced over at us. 

A few male students looked over at Cassie as she made her way to the front gate Raphael wrapped an arm around her and held her close to him glaring at the students. 

"Wow looks like Cassie traded up he is dreamy much more than Tyler" Amy said to Grace as they stood down the hall by their lockers they were two of Cassie's friends. 

"Hello you must be Amy and Grace I'm Raphael La Fonte I've heard a lot about you" he said shaking both their hands. 

"Cassie is this your new boyfriend?" Grace asked 
Before Cassie or Raphael could reply to that comment one of the foot ball team came over and tried to hit on Cassie. 

"Back off friend can't you see she's spoken for" Raphael said 
"Yeah right like she would date someone like you" this human lad said Cassie didn't know his name but he was hot-headed. 

"Oh yeah well if I wasn't dating him why would I do this?" she asked 
Cassie grabbed Raphael and kissed him he kissed her back. 

The crowd and the guy who had watched us left "Let's get to class" Amy said as her and Grace left Cassie and Raphael stood by the lockers. 

"Yeah we are both in serious trouble when we get home" Raphael said Cassie took his hand and entered the class room with him. 

Miss James walked in "Oh Cassie can you give this back to your older brother it's his jacket" she said handing me Daryl's green jacket. 

"Your brother is screwing miss James god your family's weird" Tracey whispered 

"What a Bitch" Raphael said looking at Tracey 
"You better watch yourself talking that way about my girl" Tyler said angrily getting into the face of Raphael. 

"Raphael calm down your better than they are" Cassie said holding his face in her hands he calmed down for the rest of the class. 

Amy and Grace sat with Cassie and Raphael at lunch time "Your not going to eat anything?" Amy asked. 

"No I'm not hungry" Cassie replied Raphael noticed a guy sit on our table it was Damien a friend of Cassie's, Amy and Grace. 

"So who's the new guy?" Damien asked. 
"This is Raphael he's Cassie's new boyfriend" Grace said. 

Raphael got up and spoke "I'm sorry if you would excuse me I have to go" he said getting to his feet and leaving the canteen. 

"Wow he's cute" Damien said 
"Really not cool Damien and I'm pretty sure your not Raphael's type young Cassie is though" Amy said. 

Once Raphael had caught Cassie up it was home time we stood in the parking lot for a bit "So even vampires can get high what did you take?" Cassie asked. 

Raphael was having problems focusing he just had that goofy grin on his face and then he spoke "I don't know what I took but it was Awesome" he said. 

Raphael lost his balance and fell on top of Cassie "Raphael you need to pull yourself together snap out of it" she said. 

Cassie saw Raphael quickly get a hold of himself and got up helping her up in the process "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" he said. 

We both walked home slowly in silence Cassie could hear the voices from inside the house they didn't sound pleased. 

Raphael extended his hand out to Cassie and she took it as they went to face the others "Look before you start on her it was all me" Raphael said. 

Kato spoke "I told you he couldn't be trusted around Cassie" he said to Isaac who didn't look pleased "Cassandra leave us myself and Raphael need to have a chat alone so you all need to go" Isaac said. 

The others left with Cassie upstairs she went into her room for something then saw the others listening in from the balcony. 

"Poor Raphael I almost feel bad for him" Isabella said 
"You don't think Isaac's going to hurt him do you?" Cassie asked. 

"I know you are all up their listening in" Isaac said appearing bellow us 
"Father please don't hurt Raphael he would never hurt me" Cassie said. 

Isaac motioned for me to come downstairs then we walked into the other room were Raphael was sat in a chair tied with vervain rope. 

"Raphael I'm going to get you out of this one" Cassie said untying the rope around his wrists he whispered something to me "Isaac is not your real father he took you in after he rescued you from werewolves your mother died after a werewolf attacked her" he said. 

Cassie turned to Isaac now and spoke "What happened why was I never told about any of this?" she said breaking down now Raphael was their to comfort her. 

"It's true when we found you 14 years ago your mother was holding you in her arms while she was running from werewolves they cornered her we killed them and one of them before dying hurt your mother quite bad she knew what we were but she handed you to us so that's when we raised you" Isaac said. 

"I just need some time to be alone I've had it with all the vampires in this place" Cassie yelled leaving for her room. 

Cassie wasn't in her room long before she was visited by Faith and Isabella "We heard what had happened and thought you could use someone to talk to or maybe just cry on" Faith said. 

"Thanks but I can't believe they all lied to me all these years" Cassie said looking up at quite a few of her photos she kept on the wall. 

Kato appeared by my side and spoke "The reason no one told you was because we wanted to keep you shielded from these monsters Demons, Werewolves and even some Warlocks and some Vampires and we knew if you ever found out about your real mom and us not being your real family we were scared you would flip out and run away" he said. 

"Kato I love you and Isaac both for what you tried to do but you shouldn't have lied to me and you should have trusted me more" Cassie explained. 

Kato nodded Cassie wrapped her arms around Kato's shoulders he hugged her back Isaac was stood by the door. 

"Isaac your always going to be my father" she said running over and hugging him he smiled then handed her something she looked at the newspaper article and saw a photo of a woman who she bet was her mother. 

"Wow your mother was pretty" Faith said 
"Thanks guess I got my looks from her" Cassie said. 

"Cassie this information you have learned wont effect our secret you wont tell anyone what we are?" Isaac asked. 

"Of course not" she said. 

"Although I just have one condition I love Raphael and he feels something for me to let us be together he really wont hurt anyone please?" Cassie said looking at Isaac who stood their now and he spoke. 

"Ok little one but if he dares hurt you he will be going back in that casket" Isaac said Cassie smiled then noticed a name of a man in the newspaper article about her mothers death it read Henry Wild mourns the death of his wife and is still searching for his missing daughter after all these years with a few close friends. 

"It's all starting to add up now my father was the Alpha of a werewolf pack in Ridgewood they were out of town hunting believing my mother would be safe but rogue werewolves found her they wanted to use me as bait to lore the Alpha to his own death" Cassie explained. 

Adrian appeared he looked scared then spoke "Their coming the Royals we need to leave here now while it's dark they know about Cassie being human" he said. 

"Cassie pack your things then meet us downstairs?" Isaac said 
Cassie nodded and was left to pack her things a few minutes had passed and she went downstairs to join the others in the living room.  


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