Dark Angel Chapter One: Why Mom?! Read Count : 155

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
I'm in my mother's arms. I don't know why, but something in my body feels weird. But when I heard my mother's voice, it was like listening to angels sing. I don't know why but there was a doctor standing next to us. He said, "You've been blessed. She's the first baby I've ever seen that doesn't scream when coming out of the womb." Then I realized that there were babies everywhere, screaming and yelling. So I said, "Why do babies scream? Aren't they happy they're here?" They looked astonished. I wondered why. Then the doctor said, "She truly is special. You might want to keep an eye on her." My mom told him, "I see. I will have to watch her." I was surprised. "I'm sorry, but I just seem to be able to talk, is that impossible for an irena?" "She seems to be very special. What kind of word was that?" The doctor asked. I couldn't believe it! They didn't know what an irena is!? I am an irena! 
When we got home, mom put me to bed and told me that if I need something to just holler. But I never did. I was hungry, really hungry. I didn't want to "wake" my mom so, I thought I would get my food myself. But there was this thing that was blocking my way. My mom didn't want me to get out so she put bars to keep me from getting out. All of a sudden, I was flying! I looked behind me and I saw black as night wings! I went to the fridge and got an apple. My mom heard me because she came rushing into my room. She saw the apple in my hand and asked, "Where did you get that!? Babies aren't supposed to eat that!" I was surprised. For some reason, I remember that all irenas are supposed to eat apples before they sleep. My mom told me to go to bed and stay in bed. I didn't want to but I did anyways.
The next morning, my mom came in and told me we were going for a walk. All I wanted to do was fly, but I didn't want to worry my mom. So I walked. I kept getting the urge to fly. But I kept it in. I knew my mom wasn't happy. I don't know why. I could just tell. "We're going to the park. I know you need to have some fresh air." my mom told me. When we got there, I didn't have the urge to play with other kids. I just wanted to fly. I tried my best not to, but I couldn't. I flew into the air exposing my wings. Or at least I thought I did. But I hadn't. It was all in my head. Good thing too. If I had shown everyone my wings, who knows what could have happened! I don't know why, but I have a feeling I would be taken away or something! All of a sudden, a bird landed on my finger and told me, "The worst is yet to come. Very soon." and flew away. I went to mom and asked why the bird told me this. She told me I was hearing things. But I knew that wasn't the case. I knew that the bird really did talk to me and I'm going to figure out why.
I went to the top of the slide and looked all over, land and sky, but I couldn't find the bird. I wanted to fly, so I could prove I wasn't hearing things. I thought, Maybe no one would see. So I flew. I thought I was high enough no one would see me. In fact I was, I was very close to certain! I flew around, looking for the bird. Then, I saw it! I saw the beautiful white dove! I was so happy! I called the bird, somehow knowing how to speak chirp. The bird came to me and I landed behind a tree. "What did you mean when you said 'The worst is yet to come. Very soon.'? I need to know." The bird told me, "Dear Luna, I guess it's time to tell you. You are only two days old, yes? And you can already talk, walk, why, you're as smart as a sixth grader. When you are the age three days, something terrible will happen. I would love to tell you what, but I just can't. I am not allowed." I wanted to know, "Why aren't you allowed!? Who told you that!? How do you know that this is going to happen!? Tell me bird!" The bird responded, "Calm down. First, my name is Olivia, second, I'm sorry, but I can't answer those questions. Don't worry, they'll be answered soon." I couldn't believe it, this bird, I mean, Olivia is being very nice to me, even though I just yelled at her. "I'm sorry. I just don't want anything bad to happen."
I went over to my mom and all around me people were gasping. I don't know why, have they never seen a two day old walk in the park? Wait, what am I saying? Of course they haven't. You aren't supposed to start walking till you're like, three. When I got to my mom, she screamed at me. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!? DO YOU WANT TO CAUSE PROBLEMS!? PUT THOSE THINGS AWAY AND COME WITH ME! WE'RE GOING HOME!" That's when I realized that I was flying. I tried to apologize, but she wouldn't let me. I then wished I could stop time. I wanted to go back to the park and explain that it was all an awesomely thought out trick. All of a sudden, my mom said, "Luna, tomorrow you wi-" ... She was frozen. I didn't think about it too much, I just ran back to the park, somehow unpaused time, explained and then, somehow ended up with my mom and she had finished talking already.
When we got home mom told me to go straight to my room, and that I wasn't getting lunch or dinner.The next morning, she came in and told me to leave, to leave home and never come again. I was so surprised, I just ran out, crying.

I kept running, and never got tired. When I got to the outside of the city, which was surrounded by a wall for some reason, I decided to fly because it was faster. I flew to the top of a mountain, and stopped. I couldn't see the city anymore. I was safe. I couldn't believe it. My mother made me leave when I was THREE DAYS OLD!!! Granted, I was a smart baby... but still! You don't abandon your child like that! I'm glad I didn't have any siblings, I wouldn't want them to go through this. I just hope that she realizes what she's done. It's too late for her to change her mind now, though. Well, I guess I'm on my own now. I just need to find shelter, food, and, anything I can use to survive.
I climbed the mountain till I was to the point that there was snow. I took some snow, made in the shape of a crown, then wished for it to be a real crystal clear crown. It worked. I guess I'm the princess of the mountain now. Now, I think since I was able to make a crown out of snow by just wishing for it, and that I was able to stop time, I might be able to make a home with that. But for now I'll just find a cave. Now, what to do about food? That's when I saw her. Olivia was here. I called her down. "What are you doing here?" I asked. She replied, "I thought my little princess might need some company." I was glad she was here. She at least cared about me.
We made our way around the mountain and found a cave. By the time we got in the cave, I realized that Olivia was shivering. I forgot that she was a bird. Birds are normally where it's warm. We sat down near the back of the cave. I set her down and stood up. I kneel down and wished for a fire. As usual, it appeared. I went back to Olivia and sat down. We started talking. "Why did my mom send me away? I get she was upset about showing my wings but..." I said. Olivia said, "I don't know. But do you remember when I told you that "the worst is yet to come. Very soon."? This is what I was talking about. But before you ask, I don't know why. Some one that I don't even know the name of told me to tell you this, so I did. But look on the bright side. You can use your powers whenever you want! You can do whatever you want! Besides, your mom didn't love you." I knew she was right. I just didn't like it. But whatever. Her loss. Besides, I've got Olivia and the power to make anything I want to appear. What else do I need!?
*rumble* Uh-oh. I forgot about dinner. I haven't eaten in two days. I was starving, and I think Olivia was to. I asked, "What do you want for dinner?" "Bread." She said. So I wished for some bread. And we ate for a few minutes and then we went to sleep. In the morning, we went outside to play, because, though I'm a very advanced "baby", I still need to have fun. We were throwing snowballs, making snow angels, which was easy for me. It was so much fun! I just wish there was someone else here as well. I know what you're thinking. Some random person is gonna appear. Yeah, no. I may have wished for it, but I can control my power. No one's gonna appear......... yet. After we were done, we went back into the cave and had some lunch. After lunch we went outside and played and it got a little boring so we went inside and just slept. My dream was so crazy I don't understand why, why would I have such a dream I think I'm not even going to explain right now I'm too tired I'll tell you later, I'm just kidding. So in my dream I dreamt that in 12 years I was going to experience different I don't know exactly how to explain it,  maybe the best way, maybe I should just go back to sleep I think it'll be better once I get 12 years old maybe that's the best.
When we woke up we decided to have breakfast sent yesterday we forgot and we didn't have dinner. For breakfast we had bread. I get why Olivia would want to have bread, I mean she is a bird. After breakfast we decided to go outside and explore. But we decided to do it, we both flew. We saw so many awesome things and we decided to pick some pine cones. We didn't know why, but, we just wanted to pass the time. We didn't have much stuff to do up here. We need another friend. But, I don't think many people will be up here. You know what. I'm bored. I'll be back.

I hope you like this. It's my first chapter of my very first book.


  • good job tho,:)

    Dec 12, 2017

  • I like it

    Dec 12, 2017

  • Rebecca Leveille

    Rebecca Leveille

    Well, I'm sorry, I would love to explain, but it would be spoilers. I can't remember if anything is explained in the second chapter, it might be. If you want to, you can go check it out, that might explain somethings.

    Dec 16, 2017

  • i love it but how come she can control her powers right of the bat

    Dec 15, 2017

  • Dec 12, 2017

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