Rose In A Bush Chpt 7 Is My Very Love Lost Read Count : 110

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance

Is this Ash wimson? Yes? Your girlfriend was hit from a car at 5:33 last night. Fear torn my heart. Ill be right there. I pulled on jeans and a t shirt with my ankle high converse for men. I met her at the hospital. Moka I sqeezed her hand.Tears  stained my cheeks she cryed also. I should have never left Ash. She kissed my bottom lip. Ill be with you always in ur heart. No moka you will be okay. She passed out. I cryed my heart out. My Moka... I stayed by her side for the past week. Ash she is in a coma. How long? For the next month. She opened the documents. Sign this if you want to stay longer than you have. Yes mam the docter had black hair and green eyes. She wore makeup allover. Moka never wore a lick of makeup. Moka had natural beauty. The doctor was asian. I fell asleep. 

It has been a month all that time I waited anxiously for her beautiful eyes to show.


  • lovs it

    Apr 09, 2018

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