Take A Chance Read Count : 132

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
With a hurt soul himself, he risked his own emotions and said.... 
     "Take a chance on me. I'm not here to hurt you or do you any harm. I only want to show you my feelings and put you high on a pedestal and keep you there where you belong."

This man, so kind and genuine, possessed every quality she had ever hoped for and he wanted only her unconditionally and without any ultimatums. 
His sincerity touched her deep inside as she recalled all of the previous months. They had practically spent every spare moment together getting to know one another (literally laughing until they cried) and conversating about everything under the sun all the while growing closer. 

Recollecting all of the times they had shared with each other,  she began to realize the depth of the feelings she had developed for him. He was her best friend and confidant. He had revived her, a woman who thought she was destined to live out her remaining days alone. He had brought her back to life. 

It was then that she knew in her heart that she had fallen in love with him and so "Dana" answered his touching request.... 
     "I trust you "Rodger" and yes, I will take a chance with you."


  • Sentences flow well

    Dec 11, 2017

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