What You Don't See Read Count : 170

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Before you read this let me just tell you that this is not a story for entertainment or fun, this is life and this is fact. This is my experience with the prejudice of people about a physical condition I have called Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis, but it's not just me. There are a lot of people out there that are bullied because of people not taking the time to really see that person. Most people assume they see everything about a person, but it's what you don't see that will surprise you.

What You Don't See

What you see; I'm a slow walker, I can't move very well and you assume I just refuse to walk faster.

What you don't see; the pain of my knees locking or popping in and out of place, the stubbornness and sheer will it takes just to stand up.

What you see; I don't do sports, or join in on games in gym or on the playground so I must be lazy and anti social.

What you don't see; is my doctor telling me if I do too much, my knees will swell and hurt worse and they'll have to take a syringe and drain the fluid off.

What you see; is my over maturity, so you say I'm stuck up and think I'm better than everyone else.

What you don't see; is me taking medicines since before I was even in school and me having to put on a brave face so my mom, who's already upset about giving me my weekly shots, doesn't see how much the needle and the medicine hurts.

What you see; is the amount of days I miss from school, so I must be good at faking being sick.

What you don't see; is me lying in bed unable to move my legs from the pain or being extremely sick from the medicine I take.

What you see; is someone who claims to have arthritis, but only older people can have arthritis so I'm lying.

What you don't see; is how many times I've had to explain Juvenile Arthritis to peers, teachers, my family, and even my doctors, and that everyone is disbelieving and questioning at first and it takes all my energy not to say 'forget I even said anything' and walk away.

What you see; is a strange kid that you don't want anything to do with.

What you don't see; is someone that has to deal with JA and everyone's assumptions constantly.


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