Success Read Count : 143

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Success. We all define it in different ways. Some use the five pillars theory, some just plain define it as it comes up, some just want what they want but couldn’t be bothered with putting words to it.

I think success is simply achieving your goals. For some, it goes as planned, and for others, it doesn’t but at least they still got them.

Ever since the miscarriage, my success just didn’t include a baby. Especially after the dad broke up with me, I didn’t even want to think about a relationship after that. I had two other ones since then, but they didn’t last. One was purely on the phone, so not very satisfying. We never met up, just sent each other pictures of what we looked like.

The other one went from dating site to in person. I really didn’t see how someone who looked like him would go for someone who looked like me at the time, but I was glad he did. He was handsome, loving, and soulful. But there was no wit, no banter between us.

I have not been succeeding in getting a job. I have a good resume, but with the way they have the scanning of the resumes rather than simply reading them, it seems like people get less of a chance ‘cause the people themselves don’t get to see them shine through their resumes unless they get picked by the scanning computer. I have a good cover letter too. It’s not pretentious, just honest and genuine and says what I want to say to potential employers. My list of references is its own document as well. I have them all saved on my laptop to send or print as needed. That’s nice, but it’s to no avail.

I would love to wake up to a day where I have my cat in my own apartment and it’s comfy for us both and furnished with my style of furniture. I’d love to have all the flavors of cat food she’d ever like in the pantry, and have a kitchen big enough to really cook in, for when I have the time and the energy to. I would love to have a collection of books that I read over and over, my staples I enjoy. Not that I wouldn’t try new ones, but it’s nice to go back to the classics you know you love.

I want an apartment like the one I had in Houston. Even though it was my father’s money, I made sure that I paid rent the first of the month and got annoyed when his accountant would be a bit late sending it to me so I could make the payment. The apartment wound around in a circle. It went from living room to dining area and kitchen to bedroom to bathroom, which contained the laundry space within it. It was fully carpeted and the furniture was comfy, though it wasn’t exactly my own style. But that’s what you get for going with a furniture rental company rather than buying your own. It had a little bar off of the kitchen people could sit at. I like having a breakfast bar. Whatever permanent home I live in will have one. I want a home that has teal sets of towels, ‘cause that’s one of my favorite colors. I want a fully-equipped kitchen and I want the dining table to seat six or eight people and be nice, but not too pretentious. I want the chairs at the table to be cushioned so people will be comfy sitting at it. I want my home carpeted in a cream color. I want my walls white so they’ll go with everything. I like dark brown wood furniture and autumn colors. I think my bedroom would have more of a blue theme, though, considering it’s my favorite color. I want my permanent home to have a fireplace so when it gets cold I can warm myself near it and look at it and feel comforted. I want a really comfy reading chair and side table in front of that fireplace so that I can read my favorite books whilst enjoying the heat from the fire.

I want to buy online from Amazon and Target so that Walmart will be driven out of business since they only hire their employees part-time and won’t let them work 40-hour weeks. The ex that I would’ve had the baby with was working there and so was his mom and they hated how it was, though they were glad to have jobs at all. It seemed like they were stuck there. I don’t think people should be stuck in their jobs. They should get some kind of joy out of doing them other than just their paychecks. I learned more about that from my aunt later on and fully realized how wrong that was. It’s just barely legal to do so, so they can. I would like to see laws passed to prevent all companies from keeping their employees from working full time.

I want to have a proper computer, not just a small, dinky laptop I managed to get on Amazon for less than $300 and free shipping and handling. I’m glad I have it, though, ‘cause otherwise I’d just have to use my cell phone for everything, which makes it harder to type up formal documents should I need to.

I want us to have that president we’ve wanted for so long, pretty much since we founded this country. It’s not that he has to be perfect or not have mistakes in his past, but just that they’d be the kind of mistakes that don’t change people’s opinions of him if they’re brought to light. I think he’d have to be an Independent so he’d fully consider both sides. I think we will get a woman president, but I don’t think she’ll be that ideal president. Our ideal president wouldn’t make any under-the-table deals with anyone and would consider the issues. He’d consult his cabinet and the Senate and the House of Representatives, but wouldn’t let their voices in his head about the issues cloud his final decision.


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