Robinwood Prep Chapter #5 Read Count : 118

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
New Places
As we walked into the female dorms, Taylor said, "And this is our final stop, the dorms. The boy's is across the road and to the right from where we came from, but you'll get a map if you attend. Anyways, the first floor is a chill and relax area. All students could hang here, in both the girls' and boys' dorms.The second and third floor, however, is only for girls here and only for boys in the other dorm. That's where the actual dorms are. You'll share them with someone, most likely a sophomore to help you around."
"Well that is about it," Zach said. He ran his hands in his luscious brown hair, exposing his muceled arms through his shirt. Wow he's cute, I thought. Ah! Don't have such thouhts! I mentally slapped myself. I promised myself I would not have a crush like this. It only leads to bad things, like heartbreak. I can't go through that again.
"Well, we'll see you guys at dinner right?" He asked.
"Sure," I replied. 
"See ya then," he said awkwardly. He's hiding something. But what? 
As he walked out, I heard him say to Taylor, "So, how do you think they'll handle it?"
"I don't know," she said, "Mia is showing some promise, but I don't know about Amelia. She seems a little withdrawn."
"I think Fin will love Mia. She definitely looks like a..." Their voices faded away as they got farther from the dorm. What? What does she look like?
"Well,  what do you say about heading back to see our scores," Mia said. Sho obviously didn't hear what they were talking about, "I hope I get to come, though the animal costumes would get really annoying and itchy, if they are a requirement."
"Oh, yeah, sure," I replied, not really listening, "Hey do you know anyone named Fin?"
"Uh, no. Why do you ask?" She asked suspiciously. 
"No reason," I said quickly. Maybe a little to quick. I knew she wasn't the smart and clever type, but she also wasn't any where near dumb. "It's just that, oh well, never mind. Forget about it."
She gave me a look saying she definitely isn't going to forget about it that easily.  "Let's just go and head down."

As we got near to the main building, I asked, "So what do you think of them?"
"What? Don't go all detective on me now," she sighed. When we were younger, we used to play detective. I was always the smart one taking notes while she was the bronze. When would question everything and everyone about everything. We still joke about it sometimes.
"It's just, well... I have a feeling about this place,  and it isn't good."
"Oh my gosh! You have a feeling? Call the police!" She cried sarcastically. Wow, she os very sarcastic today, I thought. She always does it when she thinks you are being over dramatic. Sounds ironic. 
"Shut up," I sighed.
Saved by the arrival, we walked into the classroom we first came in to take the test. It still looked spotless, like this room was newly built and now one has ever used it before.
We weren't the first future-students there, but we certainly weren't the last who were going to arrive. We sat ourselves in the same seata we were in before, close to the front, but not really there. Wow, people like routine, I thought to myself. 


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