Trump Trashes Abe Lincoln Read Count : 96

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Today, during another one of his incoherent, fact perverted ramblings, he actualy said this, "the civil war could have been avoided if only we had a bona fide negotiator-someone more up to the task than low energy Abe Lincoln". Really?

Fake President is flat out nuts. With all that is happening in the world right now, and with zero constructive solutions coming from his administration, someone should remind him he actually has a job to do and a responsibility to get things done. This guy is a disgrace to himself, the office he holds and our nation.

The Trump administration needs to be euthanized as soon as possible by Congressional action. It is easy to see there is no greatness to come with this imbecile in office. We will be lucky to survive his inept and dangerous term. It must come to an end swiftly. Sad!


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