BLACK STEEL Ep 20. Read Count : 124

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
THIS THINGS HUGE!!! BUT I STAND MY GROUND! I SQUARE UP WITH THE CREATURE...FACE TO FACE!!  NO FEAR HERE!!  LIVE AND LET DIE!! BUT.....THEN...the beast doesn't  attack just.....stands there! looking me over! so then . .i keep my position not letting my guard down own for one minute ."COME ON!!!" i tell the thing. doesn't just.............looks at me ,as if its trying to observe me for some  reason. all of a sudden! i can...hear the  thing mentally  speaking to my brain."YOU HAVE TRESSPASSED HERE....WHY HAVE  YOU DONE SO? i think with my mind and say....."how have i done so?"  was i not attacked first?" i speak with my mind "


  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    May 03, 2017

  • DI'&NG€L0 F@IRCHILD......the 3rd.

    DI'&NG€L0 F@IRCHILD......the 3rd.


    May 04, 2017

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