Chain Collars Read Count : 127

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
The large pit-bull tugged at her rope leash, standing on her hind legs. Her tight chain collar hurt, but people! She saw people! She barked and barked. while dogs all around her did to. At least the ones still alive. 

Maple The Pit-Bull

The smell of dead dogs fled Into my nose, I gazed at my so called "food and water bowls". They where dirty buckets with muddy water and old, dirty food. I curled up in the corner and tried to sleep, I was awoken by a person tossing another dog in with me. A skinny female German Shepherd puppy. SHe looked at me and growled. I stood tail and stared at her. My tail was up to show that dog who was boss. She backed down and her tail curved back, I growled and turned to lay back down in my corner. 

Lullaby the German Shepherd puppy

I cuddled with my mom and 2 surviving siblings in an old pipe. A human came wearing big black gloves and grabbed us one by one. The man turned us around and looked at us to tell are health and gender. I was last. I bit the man so he dropped me into the basket with my siblings. I heard him say something, but I cant tell. He said it in a mean, cold voice. I heard them grab my mom and then heard her yelp. She was put in with us a few minutes after. She seemed dead but we heard her breathing. After a few hours I was grabbed from my siblings and mom and thrown in a cage with a pit-bull. I growled but she growled back so I backed off. I walked Into a corner and slept. 

Maple the Pit-Bull

A young girl came to me and put her cold, shaking hand on my head and stroked me. I woke and turned to lick her hand. I sniffed her shaking hand, she wasn't going to hurt me. A man came, he picked me up and loaded me into the back of a car. There was another dog in beside me. The German Shepherd that one once in my cage. The girl sat beside us as the huge truck moved.

(This has the Adventure thing because thats all that kinda works for this)


  • Iyana White

    Iyana White


    Dec 23, 2017

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