Broken Wing Read Count : 128

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
A woman with a broken wing 
Was not sure if she'd ever find the love 
She was looking for 
With a lot of prayers , hoping , and wish
The Lord sent her the most amazing gift that 
Has lifted her up in ways never thought could be possible . This gift for the Lord is her answered prayer , her wish and dream come true . 
This gift is her saving grace beside the lord above 
This gift has made her happier than she has ever been 
This gift has given her so much love, joy , hope , peace in her heart to last her the rest of her life .
This gift is the reason I smile more, laugh more and feel like I'm in heaven every single day and night . 
This gift given to her from heaven above is the most lovable, handsome , incredible , amazing man she has ever met . 


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