Break Time Read Count : 136

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
I'm girlwatching.
Everyday I take my break around 10:00 AM down here in the garage. It's one of the garages that look like a four story office building, floors of parking spaces for all of us MetLife employees. There is a section they have designated off in the corner of the bottom floor as our smoking area. 

In prison we used to say, "I haven't seen an ugly girl in twenty years." That's just the way it is for guys who have been deprived of intimacy for prolonged periods of time. Here though, being out here in the world seeing these girls without a fense between us, damn it's good.

Just looking at them, the way their pants hug their ass, the way they smile (or frown) when they catch you looking. I like how some of them will come right up to you and start chatting about whatever is on their mind. I like titties and faces, legs and curvy hips. I like the short ones and the tall one, the skinny ones and the big ones.

I sit out here every day and smoke a couple of cigarrettes, killing time during a quick break watching girls. 


  • I refer to designated smoking areas as leper colonies.

    Dec 22, 2017

  • izzy_ reacts_

    Izzy_ Reacts_


    Dec 22, 2017

  • Haylee Lala

    Haylee Lala

    so your in prison??

    Dec 22, 2017

  • Dave Begley  Poet

    Dave Begley Poet

    Are you the same Carl shuck that robbed and shot a cashier for a small amount of cash then four days later tried to shoot a police officer and then testified against your mate wonder for murder? Just wondering? It’s only because you were only 19 then so your family you said you never met may have a slight problem with that. You served your time and myself being an ex con think once you do your time then debt paid. But murder can’t be paid off ever. I got to say I’ve always wondered what drives a man to shoot someone for spare change? Drugs? The buzz? Well that was a long time ago Carl. You’re a man of god now and doing ok

    Dec 27, 2017

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