Con Game Redux Read Count : 148

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
The GOP tax bill just passed is likely a ticking time bomb for Medicare & Medicaid. Although the tax bill doesn't touch them directly, tax cuts of $1.46 Trillion are expected to overload the deficit without cuts to existing programs. The deficit triggers automatic, mandatory spending cuts UNLESS lawmakers specifically vote to stop them. AARP said Medicare itself could see a $25 million cut a couple of years down the line. This auto spend cut/vote to override cut cycle repeats each and every year. We have seen this Republican con game before. They pass anti working class laws, extend the consequences out a few years, then blame the Democrats for tax and spend legislation. Let's make the GOP the minority party in 2018.


  • How can the Democratic Party bounce back though? Who can we run?

    Feb 17, 2018

  • we can for ho vere

    Feb 20, 2018

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