My Secret (Ch.1:theres A Little Girl)
Read Count : 63
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
Theres a little girl that witnessed a lot of things.That little girl witnessed her mother haveing an affair,Her mother getting beat by both her father and the man that would come home with her,The druken woman who would beat her only child.The day her parents abandon her on her birthda, that day she will never forget. This little girl grew up in a foster home.she never had any thing of her own except thr clothes her parents gave her which are too small.Her only freind was a young adult who was 17 soon she would be gone thise little gril was 16 and she was always bullied beacuse of the way she acted,she acted like a proper litrle girl should.As a year passes her freind promised she would come back and be her care taker, and she did.They felt like sisters and soon she became 17.