Something I Have To Say Read Count : 129

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
My name is Abigail.

I know many teenagers have been through shit, but this is different.
This is My story.

When i turned sixteen, i met a girl called meg i thought this lass was the bees knees but i was wrong.
She turned on me in the most unsuspected way but ill start from the begging.

When we first met we met through my boyfriend at the time lawrence.
He introduced us to each other and we just clicked it was liked we had always been friends but i was soo wrong.

We went out one night and as we were both sixteen at the time we had to ring some older friends to send into the shops with our money to buy alcohol.

I told my mum i was having a drink at megs and meg told her mum she was drinking at mine.
We sat with the older lads and ladies and drank in an abandoned tennis court,  classy i know, we got super drunk and ended up playing truth or dare long story short she said truth and the question was do you find anybody sexually attractive here her responce "yeah, lawrence" i was really mad at her but didnt take it to heart as i thought, its only a game.

A few months on and me and lawrence had broken up... In the back of my head i knew something must have happened that night i asked meg and she said she kissed him and they got hands on.

I dint wanna tell her that i was mad so i let it sit.

Later on in the begging of 2017 me and meg had got ourselves in deep deep shit and we didnt know how to get out of it.

A lad meg was mates with had introduced us to someone who i dont wish to name so lets call him A.
So A was a drug dealer....yeah i know.

But me and meg ended up being what i call a drug skivy we ran drugs for him.

We done this for a few months and money started rolling in. We both decided enough was enough and we told A that we no longer wanted to do the job.
He said he didnt mind but he wanted to thank us by buying us some alcohol and smoking some free weed.

We both agreed and chose a weekend were yet again we could both lie to our mums and tell them both we were sleeping somewhere elce.

The plan was to stay at A's after drink and drugs.

Both our mums agreed to staying at each others house as wed lied so many times.
We arrived at A's and sure enough there was lots of alcohol, like loads.

We were there an hour or so when megs phone rang, it was her mum saying she wanted her to come home as her stepdad had fallen ill so her mum would have to go to his house to look after him (he was disabled) so meg had to look after the kids she said yeah not a problem and left me.

I started freeking out this man was alot older than me and know i was left on my own drunk in his house.

We started smoking some joints and drinking more and i said id had a great night but i was tierd he ofered me his bed and he said he would sleep on the sofa.

I agreed and got into my pj's but stayed up and watched tv for a little bit. I was very dozy and he kept waking me up.

He asked me if he could kiss me and i said no. He said sorry for making me feel awkward and started giving me all these random compliments.

I went to get in bed and he said goodnight and asked for a hug. This man was 37 i gave him a hug said night went to his room and shut the door.

Id just got comfortable and i heard the door open.
My heart skipped, he whispered Abi are you awake, i didnt reply.

He sat on the end of the bed and i asumed he was getting into his pjs to go to bed, be flipped the cover over and got in.

He rolled over and pressed himself against me. He had no clothes on no boxers i could hardly breath he shook me and told me to roll over.

I did as he said, i had heard alot about this guy and i knew he could seriously hurt me.

He put his hand on my stomach and then started kissing my kneck.

He slid his hand into my pj shorts and started touching me i told him no and tried to move his hand.

He stopped after i told him to about five times he said sorry and left the room.

He came back with another joint.
We sat on the bed and smoked it and i tried to forget about what just happened.

Once wed finished smoking he stubbed it out on his dresser and threw it on the floor he got back into bed next to me and told me i was going to be a good girl.

He put his hand in my shorts and again started touching me.
He told me to take my top off, with tears rolling down my face i done as he asked.

He made me perform oral sex on him and told me if i didnt get ontop of him and stop crying he would share my nude pictures on a revenge porn website...the nudes he had gotten from my ex boyfriend lawrence.

I stopped crying and done as he said.

I blacked out and woke up the next morning.

Meg was on the phone to A and asked if she could talk to me i got on the phone to her and she told me my mum had messaged meg while she was on the phone to A and asked what time id be coming home.

I told her to reply with soon mum love you, so she did.

I told A i wanted a shower i went for a shower and after got home as fast as i could.

I went about my life like nothing happened for a few months and then i plucked up the courage to tell meg.

She called me every horrible name under the sun and said it was all my fault and id brung it on myself we had a massive argument and i didnt speak to her for two weeks.

One day she came to my door demanding that i gave her her ring back she gave me for my birthday as a gift. She told me it was expensive and she wanted it back.

My mum went out and i came back inside. Meg started telling my mum how much of a slag i was and my mum told her to shut up and stop causing a fuss.
Meg blurted out at the top of her lungs i hope you know your daughter is shagging a 37 year old.

At the time i was upstairs and my window was open, id heard meg tell my mum and i didnt know if i should cry or scream.

My mum didnt ask me about it for a few days and then my mum and stepdad sat me down in the kitchen and asked me.

I told them the truth but my stepdad didnt like the truth and called me a dirty sket and a slut.

He was so angry he told my mum i shouldnt be living in the house.
My mum and my stepdad started arguing because they were in disagreement about my punishment.

Two or three weeks later my uncle rang our house phone, my uncle never rings.
He told my mum my grandad had had a stroke and that it was a bad one my mum told my uncle she was on her way and jumped in the car.

My grandad lives six to seven hours away from us up north.

Me and my little sister were left with my stepdad.

One night he went out and got hammered at a bbq with friends he started shuving me calling me a slag and when i was having a fag at the back door he pushed me out after a heated argument and locked the door he shouted come back when your not a slut. I walked to the front of the house and hed already locked that too.

I just went for a walk when i saw some friends from school they asked me why i didnt have any shoes on i told them what had happened but not why.

They were smoking a joint and i thought i know where to get some free weed so i went to A house at about 1:00 and he was shocked to see me i explained what happened and he told me i could stay at his.

I had the choice of being at home with a drunk and aggresive stepdad or taking the risk of sleeping at somebodies house who had done terrible things to me.

I knew i was going to leave and go back home and try the door again but then somebody started banging on the door really agressivly. I knew there was only one person that could be. My stepdad.

I told A not to answer the door and that my stepdad would leave if he dodnt get an answer.

Sure enough he left but as i left he came back up the stairs to his flat door.

I had gone up a level in the flats so he didnt see me but he came straight up and saw me he shouted a loud of abuse at me and a friend of his who was trying to find me was tring to calm him down but nothing was working.

My stepdad went back to his flat door and just opened it he went in and beaut A to a pulse, split all his face open and left him bleeding out.

At this point id ran down the flat stairs and hid behind a tree.

My stepdad ran right past me in the opposite direction.

So i ran in the direction he wasnt to try and get as far away from him as possible.

I ran that far i was in town wich from where i lived would take half an hour to fourty five minutes.

It started to rain so i went under a church doorway to try and stay warm i was wearing a crop top with no arms legging and socks.

The rain didnt stop and it started thunder and lightning. I crouched down as i saw blue lights flash by i didnt know if they were looking for me or not but i wasnt going to take that risk.

I stayed under the church doorway till it got light. I walked back to the estate i lived on and knocked on a highschool friends house, i didnt know what time it was i just needed to be warm.  
His mum opened the door and called him to come down stairs he opened the door and i burst into tears he got me indoors and took off my socks that had holes all over soaking wet from the rain.  He gave me a different top as mine was wet and gave me a jumper.

Long story short i found out A was on the sex offenders register for rape, a girl aged 13 when he was 29 and he had given her clamidia..

The police and social services made me do tests and thankfully i was negative.

I wanted to share my story because i feel like it could help other people speak out about child sexual explotation.

We dont have to suffer in silence.

If you have read this far thank you.



  • thank you for sharing this. i am just beginning to share my stories as well. it takes alot to talk about the pain but you have touched another life with this story. child exploitation is terrible and by coming forward we just might save another life. you are strong! thank you for sharing

    Dec 22, 2017

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