Cult Of Personality Read Count : 174

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Why does Fake President need to hear constant praise from his GOP underlings? As importantly, why do Pemce, Ryan, McConnell, et al feel compelled to verbally service him in such a creept manner. That cabinent meeting of Dec 20 and the tax bill conference had the uncomfortable  look and feel of a hostage video. It is obvious to anyone who watched, that Fake President is dealing with severe mental problems. The way he went around the table, calling on each by first name, then staring blankly as he listened to their suck-up blatherings. Like watching a SNL skit. Disater Don has contol of the nuclear suitcase. Why aren't these GOP leaders taking action to remove him from office? Maybe they think they can control him by constantly stroking his ego. Not a good strategy. They all appear to be eunics serving a cult of personality.


  • I'd be surprised if the government doesn't have you on their list for either party.

    Dec 21, 2017

  • Mr. WFD

    Mr. WFD

    They know where to find me.

    Dec 22, 2017

  • Fake President with a mental disorder I love it!

    Feb 17, 2018

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