The Abandoned Chapter 2:The Dream
Read Count : 136
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
I was in my old room,my childhood room.But that was 7 years ago,and then to my surprise,I saw my childhood self on my old bed.The room was dusty and full of stale air,which I thought was a pleasant smell.The child(which was me)said,it's coming.Whats coming,I said aloud.I saw a photo on the wall,it was dusty.I wiped the dust off of the photo.It was me with a big family of 7 in front,the room and photo got darker like there was some dangerous presence in the room with me.For some reason the photo made me feel hatred and fear of my family.In the photo there was something behind me,a shadowy figure standing above me,as if he is my mentor,like somebody I knew,maybe I do know what it is.I looked at the bed,I was gone.I stepped back a few steps,this picture had something about it,I felt like I wanted to die,to do something hateful in this world.Everything froze,as if time stopped.I looked at the wall,the picture was popping up all over my room.I WANT TO DIE,I said aloud!I felt hate and fear because of this photo.All the photos made one big story,because the figure moved in every photo once or twice.The figure got closer and closer until,he was in the room with me.I made a run for my bedroom door.As I opened the door,there was a hallway.As I ran through the hallway,the hall got longer and longer,like I couldn't do anything to help or escape.Then the hallway went back to normal,as I ran to the door I looked behind me,the figure was chasing me.When I opened the door I ran through into an endless black and dark void of nothing but me and my room.Falling and falling,I looked back at the door.I saw the figure standing there,looking down,mocking me,until,I WOKE UP!