Chapter-1 My Village
Read Count : 155
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
Things you want to know. Y/n- your name F/c- favorite color F/f- favorite food P/n- pets name E/c- eye color Need to know first Your a girl named y/n you have a sister named Kim you have a village called tu'la and you are the biggest village in the whole village world your a mei'fwa or you can say a cat girl and the whole village of yours is a mei'fwa there's a mei'fwa boys too you have so many guards like an army of 100 guards because your village is top 1 of the strongest villages of all. 💞 Lets start the story. *Your pov* I was sleeping when I heard my sister calling for me down stairs and I smelled my favorite food f/f I walked down stairs half asleep and I keep falling down my sister looked at me and said. "Heyyy! Lazy butt your food is ready if you don't want it ill eat it! " said your sister kim. "Nuuuuuuuuuu!!! Mah fuudddd! Don't eat it don't you dare" I said sitting on the chair looking at my food after the I eat my food cleaned my room cleaned the house and I'm gonna clean my self too... and I'm done I told my sister that I'm just going to explore or just do adventure and stuff. With some few guards like 10 or 9 with me I walked up the guard tower to see like billions of guards I taked the one that I trusted and yeah. I walked towards the gates to go out side with my 10 guards following me I saw some villages like o'khasis the second most big villages and the guards of them were staring at me so I'm just going to different villages like new mateli, and a full of chicken village there's a shamon there called chicken shamon I think he's cray cray so I slowly walked out of the place one village caught my eye I think its called phoenix drop or something wow this village is small but normal. There's a big gate and I saw a guards like 2 walking towards me I was gonna plan an alliance to be with their village so that's great I saw a girl walking behind them it looks like their lord she has black hair and hazel caramel eyes and purple dress and two guards one has brown hair with cloudy blue eyes and the other one has blond hair and baby blue eyes wow her guards are dreamy but I have like a billion of dreamy boys so I don't care as she walks towards me I looked at her and she looked at me and she gave me a warm smile and the gate opened and I said. "Hi I'm y/n former lord of tu'la I was just wondering if you like to join are alliance". I said while looking at her she looked at me and the guards said. "T-tu'la the top one biggest villages in the whole villages". The brown haired said. "Indeed yes that's my village". I said with no emotions. " oh my apologies my name is aphmau lord of Phoenix drop and yes you may but can I ask a quick question are you really the lord of Tu'la" she said with a curious face. "Yes indeed I am can we like not talk like royal stuff because I don't like it just act normal". I said with a smile and all my guards and hers blushed hard because of my smile. Wow am I like that beautiful I guess I am pretty and cute heh........ (°AUTHOR~CHAN HEREEEE~~~ thank you guys so much if you don't know aphmau I recommend you to watch her videos at YouTube their like amazing like cray cray byeee byeeeeeeee~~~~)
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