I Married A Prince Chapter1 Read Count : 121

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Lisa brushed her hands together and got a towel. Since the death of her father, she and her mom had a very hard time to pay the bills. Even in the 21st century. 

"Lisa, I called the bank and they said they can't give us loan. Now if we can pay bills and rent, were going to be kicked out." Lisa's mom cried. 

Lisa saw her mother's face. She knew her mom wasn't happy. Lisa put the towel down on the table and went to her mom. 

"Mom, it's the 21st century, of course the bank will never pull out loan at this time of life." 

Lisa's mom smiled and hugged Lisa back. 

"I know, honey. But, I don't want us to get kicked out of our house. I wish that old man named Joe was nicer!" 

Soon it was time for bed, Lisa and her mom were getting ready for bed. 

As Prince Carlos...

"But, Chanselor! I'm not ready to marry! I'm not a king like my father!" 

Chanselor Sylvie turned around looking a bit impatient. 

"I told you Carlos, it's your dad's idea. Not mine. Why won't you go and talk to him?"

Chanselor Sylvie walked away, her heels clicking as she rushed to the ball room. 

Prince Carlos went to meet his dad in the kitchen. 

"Father! I have to talk to you. I'm not ready to marry! How can I marry when I'm only 18? I'm not 45 like you!" Carlos said being very mad. His sash fell off of his clean prince outfit. 

"Son, it's the rule. Whom man whom's the brother of the the king whom died, the prince of the king should marry the daughter." King Gonzalez said. 

"But dad! I'm not ready!" Carlos said cooling down a bit. 

"Of course you are ready, son. I married your mother when I was 18. So if I could do it you can do it. You are ready." The king patted his son the back and left the kitchen. 

As Lisa... 

The next morning Lisa saw her mom standing near the doorway. 

"Honey... I have to tell you something. We have to go to the The Gonzalez Kingdom. Were going tomorrow. So we have to pack up." 

Lisa looked shocked. The Gonzalez Kingdom?!

 To Be Continued...


  • Serena Ernders

    Serena Ernders

    Don't forget im 9 years old!

    Dec 21, 2017

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