Held Chapter Two Read Count : 105

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
Waking up I was full naked blood was every where. He was still on top of me his face was blood shot red why was he red looking down his penis was soft,oh God he rapped me no this can't happen all I could think is Lord kill me now I don't want to have go through this again please he was still looking at me he wasn't smiling his breathing was heavy
    He was saying something but I couldn't understand what he was saying so I asked " what are you saying" he looked at me and said " I said I'm wore out and trying to catch my breath" thinking if he falls asleep I could figure a way to break these chains and get out he was falling asleep perfect just it bout an hour, two hours later he was asleep I looked around for his pants finally found them quitely I dig through his pockets dam it no keys can't give up something else was in his pocket it was a Bobby pins why did he have a booby pin grabbing the chains picking at the lock.
     I picked the lock open I was free from the chain s but I still couldn't move he was asleep on me. It wouldn't be enough for me just to run maybe I should put him in chains like he did me, bit the more I thought about the less I could think of ways to toture him like he did me what am I thinking I should just go ahead and kill him still laying here with him on me slowly I pull my slef out from underneath him lightly I get up from the cot hopefully I won't wake him I can only imagine what's going to happen when he does wake up and I'm gone.i pick up my pants taking his shirt slowly walking away the chians slide off the cot hitting the floor my body froze in fear looking back he didn't even budge or wake up from the sounds of chains shew that was close.
   Walking towards the door slowly opening there was that creeking noise again, man I can't see anything going up the stairs the darkness blinded my eyes all I have to do is keep going up until I feel a flat surface, it seem like forever getting to the top of the stairs case but still dark I felt around jabbing my toe on something covering my mouth before I could scream dam it that fucking hurt feeling it was a chair I jabbed a toe on a chair great just freaking great I need to find a light switch or I'm going to wake him with all this stumbling around searching for the light switch I found it when the light came on I was in shock there sat two other people they weren't moving trying not scream but I couldn't hold it in.
   Screaming these people were skinned aslo looking towards the kitchen there was a leg . Terrified my body hit the floor is this what happens when they tried to escape crying on the floor I hear someone coming fast up the stairs no no I don't want to end up like them, he stopped at the top he was furiuos walking fast towards me all o felt was him kick me hard in the stomach I feel back the he grabbed me by my hair screaming he punched me in the face twice letting go of me he took them people throwing them out the door he came back for me gripping my hair dragging me across the floor throwing me on to the couch,hitting me again fighting back I managed to grab his head slamming it against the wall he was still furious but I kept taking his head slamming it again and again.


  • hope she gets away

    Dec 24, 2017

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