Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
As a woman in America, I don’t have to walk behind,
Not suffering exclusions because I’m not the male kind.
My clothes don’t have to cover me from head to toe,
Hiding away so my beauty doesn’t show.

I may even become president, although it may be very hard;
But from any political position, I must not be barred.
I can choose to raise my family and be a stay-at-home mom,
Or I can have a career or even go to a war such as Vietnam.

I can go to any college and educate myself,
Or I can waste my life away and sit upon a shelf.
I can speak out for great causes, saying what I must;
Or not get myself involved and stay home just to dust.

I can vie for competition and represent our states,
Or watch the games be played with everyone who waits.
I can own my own business or be an entrepreneur.
There’s no limit to all the choices that I have in store.

Proud to be an American woman as any woman can be,
I can do most anything and be whomever I want to, you see.

© Copyright 2000 by Jean E. Gorney


  • Jan 27, 2019

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