Read Count : 107
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
Im here to tell you somthing important,When u take a test Your the one who sits down TO TAKE THE TEST. you have more power then u think , a and if u pass a test it doesnt mean you know everything! It only means u passed if u failed IT DOESNT MEAN YOUR DUMB! Im tired of people making a Big deal out of tests , Parentd put the pressure on kids them selfs!!!! They say" Do good on the test!" and ask "How do you think you will do?" Theres to much pressure!!! Now, Im not judging people but if u passed it dont mean Your. ALL SO SMART. It means u memorized everything, now. If u are saying "WOW THIS STUPID GIRL DONT KNOW HOW MUCH GRADES MATTER" I do, im tired of kids being put on pressure, thats all hope u enjoyed Baai