NATURALE Read Count : 111

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
N A T U R A L E //Everyday I cross a street which has a never ending construction going on. When I reach my home, I find buzzing mechanical voices every minute of the day and every year it is so. A new building comes up. A part of bushy green land on my right develops into a home for a bunch of people. On my left, the fields have been overtaken by the government to build something. Concrete. Some brick and mortar structure. Something ugly. I miss the green. I miss what was before. I wasn't here to experience before but when I wake up everyday by the sound of crushers and cranes, I feel I have missed a lot in a night. I have missed the fields, the trees, the natural strength around me is weakning and I am feeling energies dissipate into a forced agonized living. 
The originality matters. For a soul to grow and to be as close to nature is to progress and not the other way around. Nobody wants a stiff metal and mortar structure and piles and piles of dreams crushed togather in man made spaces. I want to go to the mountains and live. Only thing am afraid of is whether these artificial propagandists will start slicing mountains too and putting their ugly rock stores till there's nothing left but inorganic bullshit. // -SS ☆


  • Ramu P

    Ramu P


    Sep 20, 2021

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