The New Tribe - Chapter 3 "The Feast" Read Count : 51

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
About 3 months after they left, about three weeks without food, and it felt like years. The wolf-dog's now were in forest. On the trail of an ill Doe, Whisper looked for the animal and Lucky sniffed. Whisper saw the deer "Lucky, found it!" she seemed to say by bumping her tail on Lucky. His head shot up, her gave Whisper a look, she knew what her was saying. They had a code for hunting. Whisper slid away and Lucky stayed. While the doe ate long green grass Lucky sprain at the deer and bit Into the soft flesh of its back, Whisper sprain at it from the other side, grasping its neck with her large yellow fangs. The doe jumped and kicked its large hooves in the air, the two wolf-dogs flew back. Slowly, they killed the deer. Lucky looked into the eyes of the dying creature, it was a look that said "Thank you, you will not be forgotten.". As always, after killing prey, they flung there head back and howled.

"Deer of the forest"

"Your life is so valuable"

"But it has come to an end"

"And that's the sad truth"

What they sang seemed rude, but it was just what they did. Now tonight, they will feast.


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