This Is Trust Read Count : 129

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
                            Summary - And Maybe Authors note XD

Authors note-  Ayyy, so before we go ahead and type our fingers to death we'd like to say a few things. (Insert readers eye roll here)  

Wait Wait!! we promise we wont fill three pages with babble because we know you came here to read the STORY not the authors notes. XD

So in consideration for you, dear Readers, we'll be quick about this crap.

First off, The following story is cringe worthy and in Dire(And we mean, DIRE)need of editing and just help. We know this.

However, we wrote this together when we were around 14 and as much as we tried to fix it up, we're not really spawns of J.R.R Tolkein so there's gonna be some mistakes. We Try to edit all the chapters before we post though so i mean we should'nt die of grammar mishaps...Right? Right.

That being said,this story is still our own work, we didn't copy anyone esle's work or steal any other ideas. All characters are fictional (Although based on real people and events in  life) so please have some damn decency and don't steal our work. Even though it sucks we love all our creations. XD 

So, if you choose to continue this story cough*please do* cough, keep that in mind. 

Last thing we swearz!!

This story contains Violent scenes and A fair share of Profanities. Why? Because this story is based on a true one and real life is uh... Grim. But don't worry the whole story isnt Macabre or depressing and we're sure you've all used your fair share of curses here and there. Still, if it bothers you lettuce know and we'll post a clean version ;) 
This book contains religion also, just slightly but its essential for the story line so if you dont like god or christianity you dont have to read the book. But reading it wont magically make you a believer and the book doesn't preach ;)So give it a shot.

(Gasps for air.) Ok that was a little long, but it was necessary. All that being said and done, Lets move on to the Summary-



That was what they called me.

Dangerous, angry, unpredictable....but they forgot broken.

They couldn't see past the facade. The  tough act I upheld to convince myself I was stronger than I was.

But hell I was crying inside. Shattered, slowly dying.

And no one heard my cries. No one could see through my carefully crafted curtain or past my walls.

Come to think of it they were pretty damn thick walls...

Still... no one even tried to peek over the top.

Until he came along. And then I knew what it truly meant to be Dust....

Alex Evelyn Archer is a delinquent. A rebellious rogue with a history so grim it could put Bloody Mary to shame. But people are the way they are for a reason and Alex is determined to hide that part of her life. She doesn't care what everyone thinks and she doesn't owe the world an explanation. She's fought, struggled and even killed to be where she is today. And with only a couple years left of the shit hole they call high- school no one's going to stand in her way.

Why? Because she'll walk past them. After she knocks them down a few notches.

Everything's going shitty as according to schedule until the new kid arrives.

Then it just gets plain messy..

Meet Daryll Walker, Tall, Dark and Persistent as hell.

He's Determined to figure out what exactly Forrest Hill High's  Rogue is hiding. And he's not giving up.

Even if it means tearing down the walls she's built around herself to keep the world out.

He's been through hell before and he can see right through her masks. Her bitch act doesn't phase him, but she's as stubborn as he is persistent and as much as he wants to unravel her dark secrets and arcane past, some things are sometimes just better left untouched. Because even a little tap can break them.

What happens when Endlessly Stubborn meets Eternally Persistent?


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