Read Count : 118
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
the desert takes the strength outta my travels.im just too tired to go on when all of a sudden! A GIGANTIC DRY PARCHED HAND REACHES OUT OF THE GROUND AFTER ME! I QUICKLY DODGE THE THING!! MY EYES CANT BELIEVE! "AM I SEEING THINGS?" i say to myself. AGAIN IT TRYS TO GRAB ME AND,SLAMS INTO THE DESERT! BOOM!! "that was too close" i say. IT ATTACKS ME AGAIN!! AS IF IT KNOWS THAT IM OUT HERE!! IT TRYS TO SWEEP GRAB ME! BUT IM TOO QUICK!! SWOOSH!! I DUCK! AND JUMP TUCK,AND ROLL AWAY FROM IT! STANDING NOW...A BIT DISTANCE FROM IT....I SEE THE HAND USES THE GROUND FOR STABILITY! AS IF ITS COMING UP OUTTA GROUND!!"wait!" there's something more???" i look on...puzzled! and then...i see it!!.....my eyes widen ..to what i see!!!!!