The Fallen Angel And The Risen Demon- Chapter 3: Revolting?
Read Count : 124
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Later, when Zacharial awoke again,he had so food. So he thanked the gods, the leasted he could do since there where n o alters, fires or anything for him to sacrifice on. Then a shadow appeared. When it got to his cell, he realized it was this Alzeal girl wearing a cloak. "That disguise is terrible you know." Zacharial said quickly and cleverly. "I know but my father can't see me in this so I had to wear it." Alzeal mentioned. "Wait. What?" She started to pull something out. "Hold on what are you doing?!" Zacharial cried out. She pulled out a key and unlocked his cell door. "Oh gods I thought that was something else. Why are you doing this?" Zacharial said "Beacause my father is a tyrant and I need some space to make my own decisions, good or bad." Alzeal stated. "Oh, but that doesn't explain why your...." Zacharial trailed off as she came to unlock the chains on his ankle and wrists."....thanks?" "Don't thank me yet. We still have to get outside then you back to Olympus." Alzeal said. "Olympus? Why? You'll be killed if you go there." Zacharial said logically. "Maby you can pull a few strings for me." Alzeal tried to smile warmly but failed. " As you've probably guessed demons are the worst at sounding positive and smiling." "Its ok. I understand this is a tight situation." Zacharial started " Oh I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Zacharial, but you can call my Zach for short." "I already knew that" Alzeal smiled and chuckled a bit " but I'm Alzeal, um I don't have a nickname so call me what ever you want to." "Ha you can laugh!" Zach said. "Shhhh. Patrols are coming." Alzeal warned him. No later did Alzeal put her hand on Zach's mouth did four giant crab looking demons wearing armor. They quietly made it to the exit and escaped. Not leaving a trace of where they where heading. And parally not knowing where they where going.
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