Time's Game Read Count : 127

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Science Fiction
I remember I was going to Florida for business trip. I used to work in a chemical company. I was a sales manager there. When I was kid, I always wanted to become a teacher but didn't fate didn't took me there. By the way it's not about fate or destiny, if only I had worked harder I would have achieved it. I took exams and passed but I my problem was that I wasn't able to teach the students very nicely. They always had problem with my subject. So I quit being a teacher. And in final, I became a sales manager. I had went so many places but this time it's Florida. I took the train on April 21 and reached there after one day. In this mean time, I was wondering to go to beach. After all it's Florida.  I finished my work as fast as I can and went to beach. The beach made me feel nice and I became so refresh. I knew surfing so I surfed, in that time a wave struck the seashore. I knew surfing but I wasn't a master so I sank. After sometime when I opened my eyes, I found myself on the surfboard floating on water. I wasn't able to see anything except water. Water water everywhere. Here and there. Later j started to see abandoned ships and aeroplanes. There wasn't anyone and I mist and fog covered me. A moment later, I wasn't able to see any sunlight, there was only clouds and fog. It didn't took me to guess to long that it was mysterious place BERMUDA TRIANGLE.


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