The Stars - Part 3 Read Count : 126

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
    William Brooks. His eyes shimmer as his lips cry out for me to echo back a 'hello'. He's always been the open one, his clothes and beliefs. Mature gentleman of smelled almond. Brooks always stayed dressed well; a hipster. We grew up together for the most part. Highschool is what really made us bump into one another. His words are like coffee in the morning. Bittersweet, smooth, strong. He's a natural red head but now, he keeps his heaven strings hidden with dye. His body contains all of the Earth's elements; he's balanced. I can't touch him or the inlinement shall break by cruel gravity. He glows in the darkness as I did one cold night. Will is a galaxy; he's my universe. 

   I don't remember when I ran to him. Opening my eyes, his inked arms held me close. I never cry but that doesn't mean I'm numb; He understands. 

   Three hours later, he's in a room he already stepped in in a faded past. He turned back for me. Apparently his family moved back because of troubles with untold money. I didn't care for the cause, I just wanted him to effect me. Selfish yet desperate. 


  • wow! very detailed and emotional! 👍😐

    Dec 16, 2017

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