Teen Detectives Book1 Chapter 1
Read Count : 110
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
"Can anyone tell me the date when Abraham Lincoln died? I want you to say the year, day, and the month," Mr.Roberts said, as he wrote the objective on the board. Today is a Friday, and Winter Break is finally here! I didn't feel like answering any questions, since it was almost 3pm. I turned my head to look at my best friend Sasha, who was doodling in her history notebook. "Sasha, can you believe it! Winter Break is here!" I whispered as I snatched the pen out of her hands. "Yay! Yeah I cant believe! There, now give me my pen back!" Sasha said as she tried to snatch the pen out of my hands. Since I held the pen hard, it was now tug-a-pen war. But suddenly, Mr.Roberts went behind us in a very sneaky way, and grabbed the pen out of our hands. "Miss Andrews and Miss Bebswick, can you answer the question that I asked? Participation is for a grade and will be in your individual records for this semester, which means when you go to college, this will be shown in your records." Everyone gasped. My name is Danika Bebswick by the way. " Um mm.. April 15, 1865?" Sasha answered in a very shy way. "At least Sasha was paying attention. Danika, I'm just going to put your "last day of the semester" participation grade as a 0." I don't even care about my records, even though I'm nearing college. Just two years more and I'm outta here! During Winter Break... I just got a new job!!! I'm now working as a detective in The Department for Investigating of Richardson. And right now I'm sitting in my boss's office, talking about the investagation that me and my partner Alex discovered. "So you and Alex saw the bullet shells in the apartment and a rifle in the bedroom, right?" I nodded. I love this job. Even though I'm 15, and my partner, Alex, is 17, we can still work here. With a happy grin on his face, Alex came in the office holding a latte, a caramel McCafe, and a chocolate milkshake. "Here you go Mr.Kelly , and here you go Danika." Alex said as he handed me my milkshake. "Oh, Alex! You didn't have to!" I said putting my straw in the milkshake's hole. "Alex, take a seat! I have a lot of questions to ask you and Danika about the murder investigation," Alex plopped down in a seat next to me, looking at Mr.Kelly, eagerly waiting for the questions. "So Officer Maria and Officer Jenna said that the body of the dead victim had holes in it, am I correct?" Mr. Kelly said before he took a sip of his latte. "Yes, you are right sir." Alex said nodding. I just crossed my legs and nodded. "And Alex, did you notice anything suspicious in the bathroom?" Alex nodded. "There was blood everywhere, and a knife in the bathtub. Here I took some pictures of it," Alex said as he reached for his phone and showed us the pictures. "Officer Maria is inspecting the bathroom right now, sir." Alex said right before he took a gulp of his McCafe. I took a gulp of my milkshake and setted it on Mr.Kelly's table. "Thank you Alex, now... Danika! Your turn. Did you talk to Chief Brown about the files which had the victim's name and info in it?" Mr.Kelly said as leaned back in his chair. "Yes, sir. Chief Brown is very aware of the files and the investigation." I said as I wiped the spill off my skirt. "Thank you, guys! You're free! Have a nice day!" He said as he got on his laptop and took a sip of his latte. Me and Alex walked out of the office with our drinks. "Hey, Danika, since we're free, do you want to go to my mom's house? She's having a party." Alex said ad we walked across the street to Happy Parkside. "Sure, see you there!" I said as I waved and walked back home. What do you think is gonna happen next? To Be Continued