Loneliness. Read Count : 186

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
It's probably one of the best emotions I know of.

Growing up as a child, I was neglected.
I was yelled at.
I was told I was fat.
I was told I was stupid.

By both my family and my school.
By my sibling and my friends.

They all left me alone.

In a room with four walls and a small window with a chair next to it.

So that's now how I spend my free time.
Sitting in a four walled room.
Window wide open as the cold air creeps inside the room.
And I sit on the chair, staring out into the room until someone knocks on my door asking for something.

That's how the last 16 years of my life as gone.
And it will not last for another 5 years.

For I...
Want to escape...
This thing we call Loneliness.


  • Beautiful. Relatable. Perfect. :)

    Dec 15, 2017

  • Your not alone. :)

    Dec 16, 2017

  • Katie Lake

    Katie Lake

    this is beautiful :3

    Dec 23, 2017

  • omg this was a catching story

    Dec 25, 2017

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