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Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
There was some people that lived here in Earth they was betting serpents dragons all sorts of monsters and wizards and witches they fought day and night with no rest they was they was bloody they had deep wounds never had time to heal because they was always fighting all these evil and wicked monsters that walked the Earth there was one that fought the Battle her name was Jewel and another that fought was Sarah there was another that fought her name was called Big Mama for she was the mother of Sarah Sarah was the mother of jewel Jewel had a sister her name was Louis they also had a brother named Levi they had another brother his name was Billy Ray now Jewel didn't know that she had certain powers the fight off evil wicked demons Jewel live as a model woman she had children 9 of them one was Donnie Ray Charles Mitchell amongst many other now Jewel was a beautiful lady she was so strong she had cold black hair she was a child with a child she never understood the way of life because all she done was to take care of her children so one day Jewel was walking in the field and she was sleepy so she laid there in the grass and she went into a deep sleep when she woke up there was a man standing over her dressed in black he told her said you were sick and you need medication at that time Jewel was sick and being so sick her mother and no one else knew exactly what to do they try tried all kind of medication herbs to give Jewell to make her well none of them work so she said well why not this is a stranger and I know I'm not supposed to take from any stranger but I believe I'll take this one cuz I feel so bad so if he killed me it killed me cuz the way I feel now as if I'm going to die so the guy pulled out a big black bottle and the medication there in was black her song and she was well as fast as she could swallow it and when she looked around the guy that gave her the medicine was gone and she's felt so much better by taking this medication she didn't realize that certain things was going to happen so one day she was at home and she seemed the same man he came up to her and told her set and she said why what is your name and where did you come from the man told her I come from here and there and I am here for you I am here to teach you things things that are beyond your imagination themes that your little brain cannot handle if I hadn't gave you this medication so as she stared at the man she began to get scared he said fear not so I was sent from above not below I am here concerning your family your mother mother forgotten about me I was there to help her through all her ups and down now that she is so much better she don't even call she don't even remember me so Jewel said unto him what things concerning my family he told her big mama have powers and she taught your mother but your mother did not teach you so I am here to teach you he told her there would be horrible things coming your way sometime you will feel like the whole world is against you you will sometimes seek for friends and friends will deceive you your only friends will be your children you will have a son his name is Luis you will have a daughter her name will be Brenda now Brenda would be into all mischievous things when she is born she will be born with grapes hanging from her mouth she will love you to the utmost you have another child her name would be Patricia Patricia will be born dark as night Eyes of red there between those two sisters will be a battle that is because one would be jealous of the other because the other skin is lighter than their their hair would be curly in her hair would be nappy she would do sneaky things why Brenda would do things and get caught by you you say you know Brenda but you do not you would put all your trust in Patricia Patricia will be the one to deceive you for she want to take your place she won't all to bow down to her on this day when you become a vague Patricia will slowly put you to death before you will see Brenda was not the evil one she really loved at you she I'm out you she adored you she tried her best to give you whatever she could but you denied her you beat her you Stone her you spit up on her you stopped her you caused her to be lower than a worm now you are up on your seat bedding your sorrow have filled your heart because you recognized the serpent was your daughter Patricia


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